Regionals and Championships

How do I qualify for the Regionals?
All you need to know is in section three of the Members' Handbook.
Can I compete at the Summer Regionals and Area Festivals at the same level in the same season or calendar year?
A combination competing at Winter/Summer regional championships are not eligible for any Area Festivals at that level or below in the same season.
Can I change a rider once my horse has qualified for the Regionals?
Once a horse has qualified for the Regionals, a rider can be changed as it is the horse’s qualification. If the horse qualifies on for the Championships then it is the combinations qualification and therefore has to be ridden by the same rider, who rode the horse at the Regionals.
Can I use points gained at Regionals/AFs/Championships towards my Regional qualification?
Any Regional/Area Festival/ Championship will carry BD grading points although these cannot be used to provide part qualification towards any regional championship.
I've qualified - what happens if I upgrade?
Horses or riders may subsequently upgrade levels/section once they have gained their q ualification and still ride in the Regionals.
Can I qualify at two Silver levels?
Horse and rider combinations can qualify and compete at two Silver levels for the regionals/area festivals.
What are wild cards and when are they given?
Wild cards are a means of qualifying for a championship other than gaining qualification at the winter or summer regional finals. Immediately after the last winter or summer regional, those qualified at each level are listed and the remaining places in the relevant championship class are filled by non-qualified competitors with the next highest percentages from across all the regional finals. Wild cards are only distributed after all championship places have been allocated to those who qualify by right.
The British Dressage board reserves the right to offer places for any championship. This system is used mainly for higher-level classes at the National Championships and for horses selectors would like to see in top-class competitions.