Festival Focus - Speedgate Events

Speedgate Events Summer Area Festival saw more amazing partnerships qualify for the Petplan Summer Championships, as well as incredible partnerships and first time festival goers.

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Ava Godley and Godello finished an impressive 9th place in the Preliminary Bronze class at Speedgate Events Summer Area Festival, in what is their first season competing British Dressage. The pair received a 66.67% from the three judges, to finish within the top ten, in a huge class of 35 competitors. Ava shared her Area Festival experience with us, “I have really enjoyed competing at the Petplan Area Festivals this year with my horse Godello because the show was efficient and friendly.”

Ava and Godello have been working hard to get ready for the Summer Area Festival, “we have been training all summer with lessons from our amazing trainer Leanne Wall to prepare for the Area Festivals 2024 !” Getting ready for the big day Ava spends the time getting Godello and his tack ready, “I always clean my tack and bath Godello to make sure we dazzle on the dance floor.”

Reflecting on her test Ava tells us, “the Highlights of my dressage test were the stretchy trot and the relaxation through Godello's body. We have been working so hard on the stretchy trot and to achieve that at Area festivals was amazing!”

Ava has been riding Godello since February this year and the combination have had an amazing journey so far. The grey gelding is a Spanish Pre Fusion, and 13-years-old. Ava tells us, “this season we have competed at the Inter Counties Challenge 2024 for Kent and won! We have also been to the Youth Inter Regionals 2024 and Came 10th as a team!” Next the pair are working towards Novice and Elementary levels at home, and competing at Novice, “we can't wait for Next year's Area Festivals and to continue our dressage Journey.”

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Jemima Brown and her own Camarnaint Rambler did the double at Speedgate events! Winning both the Advanced Medium Bronze and the Advanced Medium Bronze Freestyle. Jemima and “Barney” received an great 68.68% from the judges for their Advanced Medium Bronze, leaving them top of the scoreboard. The combination then also went on to achieve a huge 70.28% in their Advanced Medium Freestyle Bronze to also take the title in that class.

Jemima has worked her way up the levels within the Area Festivals, starting from Prelim, Elementary, Medium and now Advanced Medium. She explains to us what she enjoys about competing in the championship, “the Area Festivals are a friendly yet competitive series with a super final which is very rewarding to ride in.”

The combination started competing at Advanced Medium in February of this year, gaining her scores early on, Jemima then decided to give the freestyle class a go. “I worked out a floor plan highlighting Barney’s strength which included lots of flying changes and a canter zig zag and then put together the music based on pop music which suited his paces.” Looking back on her test Jemima tells us, “I was delighted with our freestyle at the Area Festival, Barney was very rideable and despite a slightly early first centre line the rest of the test went smoothly.”

The two of them have recently gained their Advanced Medium scores for the Winter Area Festivals and are now looking ahead to gain their qualifying scores at Prix St George very soon.

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Holly Rogers and Calcourt Florentine won the Medium Bronze with an amazing score of 70.05%. Holly spoke to us about why she chooses to compete in the Area Festival series, “I’ve enjoyed competing at the area festivals as it gives you the experience at a new level with 3 judges so gives such good feedback on what to work on.”

Before heading to their Summer Area Festival Holly explains, “Florian did lots of hacking to prep for the areas, to chill him out as much as possible as he’s quite hot!” But the beautiful grey gelding impressed between the white boards, Holly looked back on some of the highlights of her test, “his trot work was definitely a highlight, he nailed his shoulder ins and half passes, his favourite part is the last centre line of extended trot, he scored 9’s from the judges!”

Speaking about the gelding’s personality at home, Holly explains, “Flor is a right character, he’s very very special to me but most people wouldn’t want to deal with him! He’s a headshaker so sometimes in the warm up you can’t ask a lot, but he seems to know he has to hold it together for 5 minutes during his test.” Being a more sensitive soul, competing can be more challenging for Holly, but she tells us, “Flor is a bit of a worrier and in his shell, but the minute your on him he comes into his own, he loves to show off in front of a crowd!”

The combination started their dressage journey only last year, “he won the Area Festival at prelim and novice last year, he had winter off as had an issue with his back so we only managed to come out again to just qualify in time.” The journey for the two of them has not been easy, “I didn’t know if I was ever going to ride him down the centre line again so it meant a lot to just be back in the ring on him!”

Holly and Flor have an exciting rest of the year ahead, “he’s qualified for the Lemieux National Championships at elementary and now the Area Festival Summer Championships at medium.” Looking ahead they are also planning on stepping up another level and qualifying for the Winter Area Festivals at Advanced Medium, “I’m very exited for the journey with him!”