Festival Focus - Aintree International 22
Riders came from far and wide to show off their tests to the judges in the winter sunshine, as Aintree International kicked off a flurry of February festivals (3 – 6 February).

Petplan’s picks!
Aintree International was our debut Petplan Equine Area Festival venue in February, with the sun shining riders performed between the white boards to try their best at qualifying for Hartpury in April.
Jennifer Ainscough and Showstar took the win in the Intermediate I Bronze with 65.29%, after coming second last year at the Petplan Equine Summer Championships in the PSG Silver they have successful moved up a level. Jennifer talks through her journey so far, “we have enjoyed competing at the Petplan Equine Area Festivals right through the levels from Novice upwards to now Inter I. They are a lovely opportunity to compete at a championship show which is aimed more at the amateur riders and everyone loves an opportunity to win a sash and a mounted presentation.”
In only their second test at this level, Showstar lived up to his name and put his dancing shoes on, “we hadn’t competed since November so I felt a little competition rusty but Archie loves performing and really tries for me when he gets inside the boards his highlights are his extended walk, trot and canter and we are working on developing his strength to improve the more collected work like the pirouettes which are improving all the time.” Despite the 4am start it was worth the trip for them both, as they’ll be making their way to Hartpury in two months time.

Young rider Lilly Jo Hampton travelled all the way from the Isle of Man to compete in the Prelim Bronze on Elizabeth Rae’s Spaceman. Taking the win with 69.31%, it was worth the week long trip last year to qualify with a hop across the Irish Sea, Elizabeth tells us “she qualified for the Winter Area Festivals in 2022 but we would not normally attend this as the weather is so hard to get off the Island. We had to pull our journey forward a week just to make sure we got across and she is very happy we did.”
Starting her dressage journey on a 39” Shetland mare, Lilly started to groom for Elizabeth five years ago and her passion grew for the sport, “it was agreed if she could get over 60% in two tests I would pay to affiliate her. She qualified for the summer Petplan Areas Festivals a year later at Myerscough and Aintree, she didn’t place but was thrilled to of had the chance to show off her Shetland, Brynyparc Kate. However they did win at the My Quest Regional Championship at Intro and Prelim.”
It took a while for Lilly and Spaceman’s partnership to form; “Lilly could not gel with any other ponies and did not like riding Spaceman who was supposed to be mine, as he is quite big moving for a little 14.1 traditional, quite hot and sensitive to ride. She finally agreed to try him one more time and qualified for Prelim Bronze at the summer Area Festivals last year at Myerscough where she managed 9th place.” After spending the summer at camps, the pair found Charlotte Smithwhite who gave her the confidence to grow.
Outside of the white boards Lilly has her own breeding Shetland and traditional stud, funded completely by herself. Also turning her hand to breaking and producing her next dressage star. We look forward to seeing them both at the Petplan Equine Winter Championships
Foundation Academy rider, Olivia Rimmer took home a red rosette on her horse Oscar C. After stepping up to this level recently the pair pulled out all the stops with 67.70% in the Medium Bronze. Having him as a five year old, three years ago, the pair have been part of the Foundation Academy for two years receiving training and various support sessions from industry professionals. The hard work has certainly paid off as they are off to Hartpury.
First in the arena for the Novice Bronze was young rider Izabel Worthington and Machno Gabrielle, it was a long three hour wait until they found out they'd won with 68.54%. Izabel was over the moon says mum Clare, sShe said her favourite parts were her center lines and her medium trots. She felt positive after a strong entry. She’s looking forward to Hartbury as it’s their first major championship."
Talking about Mochno Gabrielle, "We brought Gabrielle from her breeder Merion Jones, in August 2020. She’s a 14.24hh thoroughbred cross Welsh section D. Initially the plan was for Gabrielle to come to us for Iza to compete and eventually sell but I knew the the moment I saw what they were like as a combination we had to buy her. I unexpectedly inherited the money for a good friend who had passed away from leukaemia."
It wasn't always plain sailing for the pair, "she’d only done a handful of Novice and Medium affiliated tests but Anita Jones had done the advanced groundwork for Iza to take over. Gabrielle is a very sensitive mare and has taught Izabel so much but it’s been a tough 18 months with not being able to have lessons due to lockdown at the beginning but they’ve excelled the later part of this year and are now working at Medium at home, with invaluable weekly training from Sarah Probin, who we’ve used for over the last 6 years. They work so hard, they would love to get on the Welsh teams as well as their Pony FEI.”
Aintree International Winners
Petplan Equine Winter Preliminary Bronze
Lilly Jo Hampton and Spaceman, 69.31 % & Zennor Harvey and Goodfella Gio, 72.22 %
Petplan Equine Winter Preliminary Silver
Katie Stuart and Foxhills Apostrophe Ess, 70.14 %
Petplan Equine Winter Novice Bronze
Izabel Worthington and Machno Gabrielle, 68.54 % & Zennor Harvey and Goodfella Gio, 69.44 %
Petplan Equine Winter Novice Silver
Hannah Taylor and Legaland Best One, 70.00 %
Petplan Equine Winter Elementary Bronze
Samantha Baker and Limerick Lady Rebel, 70.64 %
Petplan Equine Winter Elementary Silver
Jennifer Harkness and Cascara, 69.95 %
Petplan Equine Winter Medium Bronze
Olivia Rimmer and Oscar C, 67.70 %
Petplan Equine Winter Medium Silver
Charlotte Clarke and ETO ‘O, 68.38 %
Petplan Equine Winter Advanced Medium Bronze
Ines Dearman and Ernesto, 65.00 %
Petplan Equine Winter Advanced Medium Silver
Annabel Abell and Sheepcote Lets Go, 65.30 %
Petplan Equine Winter Prix St Georges Bronze
Fiona Clair Newall and Fendy VCG, 65.78 %
Petplan Equine Winter Prix St Georges Silver
Bridget Tate and Daltrey, 67.06 %
Petplan Equine Winter Intermediate I Bronze
Jennifer Ainscough and Showstar, 65.29 %
Petplan Equine Winter Intermediate I Silver
Angela Ellis-Dunn and Stall K S Roosenstein, 64.17 %