Going Green - Information Hub

We want to promote positive change to enable good health and wellbeing for all participants in our sport, whether equine or human, while respecting the world that we live and compete in.

Our Sustainability Strategy 

British Dressage recognises that protection of the environment is an integral part of our business and a prime responsibility for everyone in our sport, at every level.  As such, sustainability is not only a cornerstone of our future strategy, but it is also embedded in the decision making for everything we do as an organisation.


World Wildlife Day 
3 March 2025

Restoring or planting hedgerows is beneficial for local widlife and our horses. On World Wildlife Day we celebrate the importance of preserving our planet’s biodiversity and there’s no better way to contribute than by focusing on one of nature's unsung heroes: hedgerows!

Hedgerows on equestrian properties not only provide stunning, natural boundaries but also provide horses shelter from the sun or wind and can help reduce soil erosion. Not only do hedgerows help capture greenhouse gases, they also create habitats for many species of animals and local wildlife.

Let’s work together to make every day World Wildlife Day by nurturing the environments around us!


International E-Waste Day
14 October 2024

Did you know that millions of electronic devices end up in landfills yearly, contributing to pollution and waste? International E-Waste Day reminds us to think twice about how we dispose of our old tech. The aim of this year's e-waste day is to inspire people to declutter their homes, and get involved in The Great Cable Challenge

E-waste includes anything with a plug, cable, or battery, but the most often ‘forgotten’ items are small electronics: old mobile phones, cables, USB sticks, card readers, game consoles, and other devices that are often kept out of sight in drawer. Latest research shows in the UK we bin or stash away 627 million cables – enough to go to the moon AND BACK! Those cables are full of precious copper which, if recycled, could help to meet the UK’s growing demand of copper needed in our green future.

For more information on The Great Cable Challenege and to find your local reuse or recycle point, visit Recycle Your Electricals. 



Recycling Week 
14 - 20 October 2024

This year’s Recycle Week theme is ‘Rescue Me’ focusing on rescuing recyclable items from heading to the rubbish bin.There are a few ways we can make a difference:

  • Recycle: Find a local e-waste recycling centre for your old phones, laptops, and gadgets.
  • Repair: Consider repairing devices instead of replacing them.
  • Donate: Pass on working electronics to those in need.

Freecycle is a nonprofit movement of people who are giving and getting stuff for free in their own Towns. It's all about reuse and keeping good stuff out of landfills. Membership is free and you can also set up your own, smaller personal 'Friends Circle' for gifting and lending of items with just your friends! 


World Water Monitoring Day
18 September 2024

The objective of World Water Monitoring Day is to raise awareness about the importance of monitoring and protecting our planet’s precious water resources. As equestrians there are ways that we can help to protect the local water sources near to our yards and fields!

Pasture Management 

  • Overgrazing and poor pasture management can contribute to vegetation and soil loss, which increases water pollution due to the run-off from the fields.

Muck Heap Location

  • Make sure your muck heap is located somewhere that will protect surrounding water quality as muck heap run-off can get onto the yard, into drains and nearby water sources.

Stables and Yards

  • Keep yards clean by maintaining gutters and down pipes to prevent rainwater getting onto dirty yards. It is also important to make sure the water run-off from yards that might contain horse faeces and chemicals can’t enter a water source.

"It is so easy to take water for granted in the UK. We turn on the tap and there it is... but the Environment Agency estimates that by 2050, we will need an additional 5 billion litres a day to meet surging demand. Equestrians play an important role in water conservation too, and must do our part to consere and protect this resource for both us and our horses." White Griffin 


World Environment Day
5 June 2024

World Environment Day this year is focused on drought resilience and land restoration. To find out more about this year's World Environment day focus, and how to become more involved, visit worldenvironmentday.global

For more information, latest news and top tips about how you can make your day to day life more sustainable, follow the UN Envirionment Programme across their social media channels. 



Out Competing 

There are many things we can do to help the environment when out competing. We know that a healthy environment supports the health and wellbeing of humans and horses alike, therefore by prioritising both the environment and embedding it as a consideration in all of our decisions, we can ensure a more sustainable future for everyone. This includes when we are out competiing;

Take with you reusable coffee cups and water bottles. Whilst you are at a venue, there may be an onsite coffee van or cafe, we can reduse the number of disposable coffee cups used if you remember to take your own with you. This is the same for water bottles, the majority of our venues will allow you access to clean running water, we can reduce the number of water bottles we buy, when refilling our own. 

Where safe to do so sharing transport with someone else going to the same event as you can help reduce the emissions created by travelling back and forth from a competition. If you are able to travel mulipul horses together, or travel alongside your coach, or support team, we can reduce our carbon footprint.