
Winter Regional Championships: competitor feedback

  • Written By: British Dressage
  • Published: Tue, 27 Mar 2018 22:06

With the 2018 Winter Regional Finals now complete, we are busy compiling data, statistics and trends to identify any areas for improvement. What will also help us is competitor feedback on your experience of qualifying and competing. We would like to know your thoughts and views so that we can make informed decisions for the competition structure for next year and beyond.

We made a few tweaks to the rules for this year, based on similar analysis and feedback, which came into effect on 1 December 2017; however, the impact of these changes won’t be realised until the Summer Regionals and we need to start thinking about the 2019 rule book now.

Therefore we would love to hear from you via the email address before the end of April, so please do send us your experiences, any constructive ideas on how to improve the overall balance, or just your general feedback on the current system.

Please be assured that we do read all submissions and always listen to your views. While we perhaps cannot make all of the changes you would like to see personally, we do share the same goal of striving to achieve a fair and equitable competition structure that offers opportunities for all.

We look forward to hearing from you.