
Wellington CPEDI: success for Brits at autumn international

  • Written By: Helen Triggs | British Dressage
  • Published: Mon, 06 Nov 2023 13:56

Despite only having a short time to prepare for this para dressage international, Wellington Riding in Hampshire ran a successful competition which was much appreciated by the para dressage community. With wins for Irish, Canadian and Greek riders, as well as homegrown contenders, there was a true international flavour to the 2* and 3* event.

In the 3* competition, British rider Nicola Naylor continued the introduction of her relatively new ride, eight-year-old Kallista’s Fürstenlooks UVA (Fürsten-Look x Now or Never), pictured above, with a win in the Grade IV Grand Prix B and Freestyle tests. “I started taking her out in August, to get experience and to get her international qualifying scores” explained Nicola. “As it looked liked the autumn international wasn’t happening, she did four or five competitions in a fairly short period of time. We’re not a confirmed partnership yet but it’s growing in the right direction. She’s really forward and lovely to work with.”

Nicola aims to get Kallista out to more internationals next year and campaign her alongside her established partner, Humberto L, who she hopes could make selection for the Paris Paralympics.

British rider Natasha Adkinson was thrilled with the performance of her partner of 11 years, British-bred Sweet Caledonia (San Remo x Fürst Heinrich), pictured above, who won all three of the 3* Grade II tests. “She’s been doing para dressage since she was four,” commented Natasha. “It’s all about our partnership. She particularly enjoys the music which is tunes from Les Miserables. I spent the first half of the year in and out of hospital so our first proper competition this year wasn’t until Hartpury. That show went really well and then she was reserve champion at the Nationals.”

“To have three wins was amazing but to be part of the winning team representing Britain in the Nations Cup was very special.” Natasha’s Nations Cup team-mates were Julie Payne, Katie Radzik and Fiona Maynard.”

Grade I honours went to Greek rider Michail Kalarakis and Eros CS. Demonstrating the lengths riders will go to achieve their competition dreams, Michail lives and works in Greece and keeps his horses in Germany with Volker Eubel.

Grade III victor, British-based Canadian rider, Bert Sheffield, also trains with Volker, as well as Clive Milkins. “It was fantastic that Wellington organised the show at such short notice and lovely to have judges that will be at the Paris Olympics as well,” said Bert.

“Even though Fairuza is very experienced she still needs match practice. This was her first 3* since Mannheim in the spring so we were a bit rusty. I like to have as many international opportunities as I can as she’s much more of an international horse mentally.”

Irish rider Tamsin Addison had the Grade V competition pretty much to herself with her two rides, Jaguar XI and Decco. The honours in all three classes went to eight-year-old Jaguar who Tamsin bought just over a year ago. “It was a big adaptation for him going from an able-bodied rider to me,” explained Tamsin “and I’ve changed quite a lot in what we’re asking of him. He’s very responsive but also a terrible worrier and doesn’t react well to anything you do quickly that flusters him.”

Tamsin had words of praise for the Wellington organisers. “They did two things that made a massive difference. They sent the arena familiarisation slots through ahead of time which made a huge difference to the time I had to leave home. They also gave you slots for the music check which meant there was no hanging around. They were a really friendly team who worked hard to accommodate everyone.”

Grade I rider Elan Williams is going from strength to strength with her two ponies, BKS Brandini, pictured above, and WSH Something Borrowed. They won all three of their classes at her first 2* competition. “The ponies were unicorns!” said Ellie’s mum Cerys. “Both they and Ellie settled in well to their first 2* international and enjoyed the flow of the tests at this level. Brandini and Elan have been together for a year and still need a few miles on the clock which is why we did the Freestyle with just him. Ellie was thrilled to get a mark of over 72% from judge John Robinson for their freestyle programme which is a Neil Diamond ‘extravaganza’.”

“Everything came together at Wellington so it was a great end to the season.”

Despite not being well, Jan Cummings and Rhonderful Dorrells, pictured above, won two out of three of their Grade III tests. “He really looked after me,” said Jan who found her ‘unicorn’ last October after four years of looking. ‘If you could clone him, everyone would want one. He’s beautiful and very, very special. There’s a lot more to come from us as a partnership.”

Jan has recently started training with Paul Hayler and has been selected for the BD Para Academy. She very much enjoyed the international experience at Wellington – despite the 6.5 hour journey to get there!

Ellie Hamilton won both Grade IV straight tests, losing out to Sara Bates and Solo Hit II in the Freestyle. Twynmelyn Aderyn Du (known as Piggy), pictured above, is a 17-year-old Welsh Section D and was Ellie’s first pony.

“He’s a typical Welsh D – a bit crazy sometimes!” commented Ellie who lives in Rochdale. “He wants to go all the time and is sometimes hard to contain. He was very timid when I got him but now we have a very strong bond. I do liberty work with him and ride him tackless. We threw ourselves into the deep end at Wellington – it’s our first year of para – but I thought ‘he’s 17, if we don’t do it now, when do we do it?’ He was the only cob there and it was a bit intimidating with all the warmbloods but he did everything I asked of him.”

Sara had a busy show, achieving two seconds with Tango in the 3* competition as well as clinching the Freestyle in the 2*. “I was so pleased with Solo Hit. It’s been difficult getting to know him and getting him to understand me. The shining light was when my trainer Emma Turner rode him for me. When I got on afterwards, he was light and lovely. She now rides him once a week and I hope and feel we’re getting there now. This was our first major competition together and he felt lovely and rideable in the Freestyle. He teaches me so much and has improved my riding. I hope to do some able-bodied Advanced Medium tests with him.”

Congratulations and thank you to the team at Wellington who put on such a super show.

Grade I Grand Prix A
1. Michail Kalarakis and Eros CS, 71.02% (GRE)
2. Sophie Christensen and Gladstone, 67.78% (GBR)
3. Susannah Wade and Zaire, 65.00% (GBR)

Grade I Grand Prix B
1. Michail Kalarakis and Eros CS, 69.58% (GRE)
2. Sophie Christensen and Gladstone, 66.38% (GBR)

Grade I Grand Prix Freestyle
1. Michail Kalakaris and Eros CS, 72.35% (GRE)
2. Sophie Christiensen and Gladstone, 70.47% (GBR)

Grade II Grand Prix A
1. Natasha Adkinson and Sweet Caledonia, 69.54% (GBR)
2. Julie Payne and Divinity, 68.56% (GBR)

Grade II Grand Prix B
1. Natasha Adkinson and Sweet Caledonia, 68.94% (GBR)
2. Julie Payne and Divinity, 66.11% (GBR)

Grade II Grand Prix Freestyle
1. Natasha Adkinson and Sweet Caledonia, 71.77% (GBR)
2. Julie Payne and Divinity, 68.87% (GBR)

Grade III Grand Prix A
1. Roberta Sheffield and Fairuza, 69.16% (CAN)
2. Fleur Schrader and Baxo, 66.55% (HKG)
3. Katie Reilly and Johnny Walker Plus, 63.5% (IRL)

Grade III Grand Prix B
1. Roberta Sheffield and Fairuza, 70.44% (CAN)
2. Fleur Schrader and Baxo, 64.83% (HKG)
3. Katie Reilly and Johnny Walker Plus, 62.11% (IRL)

Grade III Grand Prix Freestyle
1. Roberta Sheffield and Fairuza, 72.67% (CAN)
2. Fleur Schrader and Baxo, 67.26% (HKG)
3. Katie Reilley and Johnny Walker Plus, 66.02% (IRL)

Grade IV Grand Prix A
1. Fiona Maynard and Denver, 69.21% (GBR)
2. Katie Radzik and Teddy, 68.56% (GBR)
3. Nicola Naylor and Kallista’s Fürstenlooks UVA, 67.82% (GBR)

Grade IV Grand Prix B
1. Nicola Naylor and Kallista’s Fürstenlooks UVA, 69.54% (GBR)
2. Sara Bates and Tango, 68.82% (GBR)
3. Katie Radzik and Teddy, 68.60% (GBR)

Grade IV Grand Prix Freestyle
1. Nicola Naylor and Kallista’s Fürstenlooks UVA, 73.50% (GBR)
2. Sara Bates and Tango, 70.88% (GBR)
3. Jonty Evans and Cooley Rourkes Drift, 69.50% (IRL)

Grade V Grand Prix A
1. Tamsin Addison and Jaguar, 65.52% (IRL)
2. Tamsin Addison and Decco, 61.19% (IRL)
3. Lee Frawley and Waldron Wild Skye, 58.12% (GBR)

Grade V Grand Prix B
1. Tamsin Addison and Jaguar, 66.27% (IRL)
2. Tamsin Addison and Decco, 63.94% (IRL)

Grade V Grand Prix Freestyle
1. Tamsin Addison and Jaguar XI, 68.68% (GBR)

Grade I Intermediate A
1. Elan Williams and WSH Something Borrowed, 66.45% (GBR)
2. Elan Williams and BKS Brandini, 65.10% (GBR)

Grade I Intermediate B
1. Elan Williams and BKS Brandini, 68.03% (GBR)
2. Elan Williams and WSH Something Borrowed, 67.41% (GBR)

Grade I Intermediate Freestyle
1. Elan Williams and BKS Brandini, 68.76% (GBR)

Grade III Intermediate A
1. Jan Cummings and Rhonderful Dorrells, 68.49% (GBR)
2. Danielle Smith-Turner and Barravalley Breeze, 66.50% (GBR)

Grade III Intermediate B
1. Danielle Smith-Turner and Barravalley Breeze, 65.43% (GBR)
2. Jan Cummings and Rhonderful Dorrells, 64.66% (GBR)

Grade III Intermediate Freestyle
1. Jan Cummings and Rhonderful Dorrells, 67.14% (GBR)
2. Danielle Smith-Turner and Barravalley Breeze, 67.10% (GBR)

Grade IV Intermediate A
1. Ellie Hamilton and Twynmelyn Aderyn Du, 68.20% (GBR)
2. Sara Bates and Solo Hit II, 65.53% (GBR)

Grade IV Intermediate B
1. Ellie Hamilton and Twynmelyn Aderyn Du, 62.68% (GBR)
2. Sara Bates and Solo Hit II, 61.12% (GBR)

Grade IV Intermediate Freestyle
1. Sara Bates and Solo Hit II, 67.34% (GBR)
2. Ellie Hamilton and Twynmelyn Aderyn Du, 66.71% (GBR)


Photo © Kevin Sparrow Photography