
Spectacular display of community within dressage associations at Vale View

  • Written By: British Dressage I Ellie Mayner
  • Published: Tue, 05 Dec 2023 12:36

The second and final Cavago Associated Championship of 2023 was an incredible success at Vale View Equestrian, 15 – 19 November. It was wonderful to see our remaining seven associations compete, with a great show of variation between breeds, riders and ages.  

The amazing atmosphere was noticed by everyone attending, with competitors supporting one another as well as being excited to be competing against each other and their fellow breed and age categories.  

Veteran Rider Championship 

The Veteran Rider Elementary Championship was a highly contested class, with Julie Brazier and Furstin Beauty (Furstenball x Deja Vue x De Niro) finishing on the top of the scoresheets, winning the silver section and having the overall highest score of 71.54%. Julie spoke to us about how ‘thrilled’ she was to have won.

Julie had added the Associated Championship dates to her calendar earlier this year, “having read last year's good reviews and experiences.” She spoke of how she has prepared with the seven-year-old mare, “the fundamental requirement at Elementary is for accuracy and fluency through the transitions this has been something I have been improving on over the summer with my new trainer Amy Stovold. She has been inspiring me to also find more range with Furstin’s paces. So I was particularly happy when we were able to demonstrate our improvement during our winning test.” 

The 16.2hh has proved to be talented from a young age Julie describes her as, “such a super young mare, with a beautiful temperament, three dynamic paces which I am learning to present and an incredible attitude towards her work.” Having brought her from Germany directly from breeder Suzanne Beck, who Julie tells us has been “wonderfully supportive” of their progress, the combination won at Novice level at the Winter Regionals earlier this year. This led them to head to the Winter Championships, where Julie states, “the atmosphere there was perhaps a little overwhelming for Furstin as a 6-year-old, but we have both grown from the experience and it was good to close the year with success at the Associated Championships and celebrate our progress.” 

Shirley Wright and Vanilla Courage (Vanilla Sky x Courage II) impressed the judges in both the Veteran rider and Veteran Horse 15 – 19 years, winning the Prix St George Bronze section in both associations. Shirley told us what it means to win, “as an older rider, over 60-years-old, I’m chuffed to bits with winning my sections and coming second overall in both classes, especially the veteran horse with the scores being so close.” 

The combination scored 63.88% in the Veteran Rider PSG Bronze and went on to score an amazing 67.50% in the Veteran Horse 15 – 19 Years PSG Bronze, describing her highlights as “clean changes and good pirouettes.” Leading up to the championships Shirley has been competing two horses, having to “juggle who goes out next” as well as training once a week with Henry Boswell and David Trott. 

16-year-old Vanilla Courage, also known as ‘Zed’ at home may not be bred for dressage but Shirley describes the 17.2hh gelding as having, “lovely paces” and although he is “definitely not an easy ride” the pair have been together for twelve years now. Their journey to this point in time has not been easy, with Shirley telling us, “he has undergone Pastern Arthrodesis surgery and we didn’t think he would do more than an Elementary test but to get back to doing PSG with me is just fantastic.” Sharing her love for ‘Zed’, “he is my horse of a lifetime and I owe him everything.”  

Competing at the Associated Championships was a choice Shirley made because, “it seemed fitting as an older rider for me to compete with others on similar horses and similar ages.” The dream continues as they look towards the future, “our next goal is to go out at Inter I, which I never dreamt would happen, but I do believe we are ready for that next challenge.”

Sue Soley and Ellie VII (pictured above) where the overall champions of the Veteran Rider Prelim with 70.94% and also went on to win their section in the CHAPS Prelim Silver on the last day of the championships with a great score of 71.21%. Sue spoke to us about the “wonderful” experience at the championships, “as you get older you begin to realise you should take advantage of the opportunities that come along.” 

The 10-year-old mare was brought by Sue four years ago for her daughters as a family horse, “she is such a saint, I have taken the ride on her and she is just going from strength to strength.” The 14.2hh piebald has taken to dressage life brilliantly, after only starting their BD journey in February this year.

Veteran Horse 15 – 19 Years Championship

The veteran horses shone out in the sun during the Novice class, with Grace Browning and Rascalini (Rascalino x Aprillia) (pictured above) winning the Novice Gold section with a great 66.94%. The talented combination also won the Elementary Gold section with a fantastic score of 68.01%, “I was very happy to win my section in both classes, to win my first sashes at a championship was very special.” 

Reflecting on her tests Grace informed us, “I enjoyed riding the Elementary test as it flows quite nicely, and the walk is at the end which suits us. The highlight of our Novice test was our medium canter.”  Talking about the show's atmosphere Grace said, “everyone was really friendly, and it was nice to see such a wide variety of horses and riders all out enjoying themselves. It was my first-time riding at the Associated Championships, and I really enjoyed it and hope to come back next year.”

After qualifying earlier in the year Grace and the 17-year-old gelding have only competed once since, at the Sheepgate Under 25’s in August. Grace told us, “our preparation is usually quite varied, most of our work is hacking as we only usually go in the school once a week now he’s a bit older. My friend and trainer Emily Watts who I share Razzy with also always gives him a jump before a big show as this keeps him happy,”

Grace describes the 15.2hh Hannoverian, ‘Razzy’ as he is known at home, as “a very special horse.” Demonstrating their partnership between the white boards, “this is our first season together after I had a break and he’s taught me so much. He is quite cheeky at home and loves to sneak out of his stable when I turn my back! He can sometimes lack confidence in the arena at home and it’s taken me a while to learn how to manage this, but we are really starting to understand each other more now.”

Excited to start working up the levels Grace shares, “we had a go at my first Medium last month, so I’d love to have a go at Advanced Medium next year, our aim is to qualify for Petplan at this level, but as long as we keep enjoying ourselves and Razzy is happy that is the main thing.”

Forces Equine Championship

If dressage wasn’t fun enough, why not do it with family! Alison Calvert and her daughter Charlotte Calvert were each other's biggest competition at the championships. Alison took to social media to update how herself and Charlotte got on, “competing with my daughter together in the same class on both my beautiful horses is something I’ve looked forward to for years. Charlotte rode Woodlander Frampton in the Medium and the Elementary winning both classes overall.” 

Charlotte rode the eight-year-old gelding to two championship wins, an incredible 72.21% in the Forces Equine Elementary saw them with the overall highest score, and repeating this in the Medium with a score of 71.21%. Alison herself won the Forces Equine Elementary Gold section, riding Quando to the second overall highest score of 71.41%, “beaten by daughter riding my own horse, they thoroughly deserved the win, Frankie performed beautifully.” 

Alison explains her own nine-year-old Quando hasn’t had the easiest journey back to a championships, “I was so happy to have been able to get Quando fit enough after his injury in time to qualify, his last overnight competition was the National Championships 2021, although a bit tense and vocal he behaved impeccably and I am over the moon with how much he has grown up.” Alison and the the 16.1hh chestnut also won their section in the Forces Equine Novice Gold with 68.27%. 

Charlotte took to her own social media to recap her experience at the championship, “beyond proud of Frankie feeling mega and letting me ride him in both tests and gaining four of four sashes!” adding a cheeky, “sorry for beating you” aimed at mom Alison.

It means so much for the pair to compete together as mother and daughter but also to represent Forces Equine Alison said, “the icing on the cake was competing for the Forces Equine, flying the flag for GMP Equestrian Team, I hope we made my family proud who were/are all forces connected.” 

Lauren Sweetland and Asby Mills Amigo (pictured above) won the bronze section in the Forces Equine Medium class, with an impressive score of 68.02%, Lauren who is a member of the 19th regiment talks about how difficult it can be juggling work and competing, “I do struggle but luckily my work give me the time off to go and ride, they have been great so I just keep going and riding after work.” 

Having owned the 14.2hh gelding for ten years, Lauren has worked her way through the levels, sharing with us how it feels to be where they are today, “I've taken it quite steady because he is a cob and he can find some of the movements quite tricky, but he has been doing some Advanced movements at home so hopefully that level is not to far in the future.” 

Olivia Knowles and Cloherview Albi (pictured above) at their first ever championships took home the win in the Forces Equine Prelim Bronze and became the overall champion with an incredible score of 73.13%. Olivia spoke to us about why she chose to compete at the Associated Championships, “it gives people the opportunity to compete against people who lead similar lives to us, horses are not our jobs it is more of a hobby.”

Olivia reflected on her experience, “it’s my first big and stay away show, it has been really good to give my horse an opportunity to compete at a higher level against people of a similar standard.” Telling us about being a part of the Forces Equine, “I’m a NHS doctor, so I have taken two days off to be here, and I will be working one week in a row in December to make up for it, but it is well worth it we have had a great time.”

RoR (Retraining of Racehorses) Championship

Darran Moore and Dubai Mystery won the RoR Introductory class with a score of 67.28%, Darran spoke to us about what it meant to win at the championships, “it is a dream come true, especially as this will have been my last Intro test, as I have just recently started Novice tests.” Finishing the year in style, “it really has been the icing on the cake.” 

The 11-year-old gelding although a little spooky of the indoor arena raised letters and flowers, Darren was overall very pleased with their test, “I just had to remain calm, focused and ride the test accurately.” With the highlight being winning, “I was amazing and so proud of Dubai, he was the racehorse that never won and now has won a championship.”

The atmosphere on the day was fantastic Darran explains, “to see immaculately turned out horses and competitors all trying their hardest and everyone was so polite and helpful. The venue was lovely and a lot of effort was put in by staff, volunteers and judges.” Deciding to take part in the Associated Championships series because, “it gave me another goal to aim for, having the RoR class gave me confidence that I would only be competing against other ex-racehorses and not warmblood types that have a more natural movement and outline.” 

The two have been in partnership for four years, “I have owned Dubai Mystery since August 2019, purchased from York Horse Sales on behalf of his trainer Mick Easterby. He had raced once at Market Rasen as a hurdler but was too slow and came last, his heart was not interested in racing.” The 16.2hh bay has found what he loves to do, “after a few months of chill we tried unaffiliated dressage at Northallerton Equestrian, he came fifth and he was totally undazed by the whiteboards and arena. We had some lovely comments and Dubai’s dressage career had started.” 

Darren tells us about his preparation and work that is put in at home to achieve these great results, “with the guidance and advice from my dressage coach Sally Ann Walker, we set to regular schooling lessons and I couldn’t wait to get out more with him.” The combination continuing to grow, “Dubai and myself have a fantastic partnership and everybody comments on what a lovely horse he is.” Leading up to the championships they continued their schooling lessons with Sally, practicing their tests and increasing their chance of improving their score, “we have both really improved lately focusing on the accuracy, where we can gain more marks especially in the centre line and halt.”  

Only beginning their BD journey six months ago as a full member, Darran spoke about what he has been working towards, “we decided to focus more on Prelim and start doing some Novice tests. We are enjoying the challenge of remembering both long and short arena tests and the additional moves required for Novice.” Already looking towards to next year, “we are really looking forward to 2024 and hope to have another successful year.”

Jane Phillips and Fair Duchess (Fair Mix x Dunsfold Duchess) saw double title glory with the overall highest score in both the RoR Advance Medium receiving 66.01% and the Thoroughbred Advanced Medium with 64.26%. Jane spoke to us about how “proud” she was of her own Fair Duchess, after only having started competing at this level a few months ago. 

Competing at this level has been a “huge learning curve” Jane tells us and the highlight of their tests on the day was, “to get the flying changes clean without tension, we only fluffed one!” Enjoying the experience at the championships it gave Jane a chance to, “catch up with old and make new friends with other riders and owners of thoroughbreds a well as talk about their training and future events.” 

Preparation for the championships were anything but smooth for Jane and the beautiful 13-year-old grey mare, “unfortunately Bryony was out of action for most of October with a field injury, but luckily my vet and physio helped get her in shape just in time.” 

Jane has owned ‘Bryony’ for six years, buying her straight out of training from Robert Luke’s yard in Pembrokeshire, retraining the 16hh mare herself with the help of trainer Tyler Bradshaw. Jane described Bryony as, “super-intelligent and a willing and fun ride.” Although dressage wasn’t originally what they set out to do, “I actually brought her to event and we did have much success, but my hip dysplasia was getting much worse and I really couldn’t sit in my jump saddle anymore, so I just focused on the dressage.” 

However, their dressage journey has been a success so far, “luckily, I had a hip replacement in 2022, but I am really enjoying the dressage journey. I love getting to show Bryony off at Championships, especially the Associated Championships which really showcases the huge spectrum of horses and riders.”

Thoroughbred Championship

Patricia Haskins and Gaelic Surprise had the most incredible championships, leaving the event being crowned overall champions twice as well as winning both their section. The combinations four tests saw some very impressive and consistent scores, achieving the overall highest score in the RoR Elementary with 68.28% and winning the silver section in the Medium on 66.76%. Then repeating this success by becoming overall champion of the Thoroughbred Elementary class with an incredible 69.91% and once again winning the silver section in the Medium with 67.59%. 

Patricia took to the time to reflect on her experience, “I'm thrilled with her results, we didn’t expect much in the Medium classes as we were against some very established horses, whereas Bunny has only been at Elementary a year and Medium around six months. She exceeded expectations completely.” Speaking on the differences between her four tests, “the first medium test I kept joking that my accelerator got stuck on as she was very forwards which made riding her tricky. The first Elementary we had some very cheeky transitions into canter and she didn’t quite relax enough but all buttons were functioning. The Saturday Medium test, she felt very long and not very connected, but it was a clear round and for the Elementary she was a little tired and grumpy but gave me everything, one cheeky canter strike off but a clear round.”

The championships is marked on the calander every year for Patricia, “it really is an event I never want to miss, for it has everything, social side, horses, dressage, good food and lovely humans.” The results this year are just the icing on the cake.” Improving on last years' experience, “I’m pleased with all four tests this year, as she freaked out last year and we came last in the Prelim classes, so for her to come out and give me four correct tests without any signs of stress was good enough for me, the placings just made it even better.” Choosing to compete at the championships because it is Patricia’s “favourite event of the year, I plan everything around this one event, it is the best.”

The 11-year-old mare has been on a journey since retiring from her career as a National Hunt Racehorse at eight-years-old, Patrica tell us, “sadly she struggled to find a suitable home after her year long retraining, so spent a year in six different homes, the longest time being four months at the dealers yard where I found her. She was a very tricky child to manage and ride, the first six months I had her I spent most of my time on the floor.” However Patricia’s hard work and patience paid off, “I thought of selling her after two years when my youngsters were ready to work as I didn’t have a riding horse after loosing my old mare, but the last 18 months going from struggling round unaffiliated Prelim in May 2022 to doing well at BD Medium, she is now stuck with me until the end of her days.” 

Making sure the 15hh bay felt as good as possible before the championships was very important, the combinations preparation consisted of, saddle fitting, physiotherapy, a body massage, then finishing off with a lesson working on 10m circles with her trainer of ten years Rebecca Trower. Patricia told us this is the process to, “keep her on side” as she is alternatively known as “lil miss Jekkle and Hyde as she flips a coin toss from totally chill to freaking out and there is no warning, but I love that about her, it’s never boring.”  

Currently the pair are working on their flying changes at home, to give Advanced Medium in 2024 a go, “she already has a fairly decent 1/2 canter pirouette so midterm goal is PSG, long term I would love to ride my first Grand Prix on her but that’s a long way off. I am a firm believer in love the journey not the destination, so I’m looking forward to enjoying Bunny and dancing no matter where we get to our how we go.” 

The Thoroughbred Novice championship belonged to Jade Philbin and Star Cruising (Massive Way x Cruising Brooke x Doddington Flyer) (pictured above) with a brilliant score of 70.28%. Jade told us how she was “overjoyed” with the win and how she thought her test went on the day, “I felt it was very quiet and consistent, he’s a thoroughbred and a ginger one so can be a bit hot at times, but I just went in riding the horse I know.” Knowing the chestnut gelding inside out allowed Jade to ‘try and be as accurate and quiet as possible” and not to ‘try something spectacular as he was very fresh and sometimes you’ve got to take risks and sometimes you have to play it safe.” 

In only 18 months of partnership Jade and the 12-year-old have had an incredible season, “we have had four podium finishes at Petplan Area Festivals, even a win at Brook Farm, we were also lucky enough to be selected for the Kent Inter County Challenge, Senior Inter Regionals and Home Nations.’ The Associated Championships was the last big show of the year for them, “what a way to complete the season with my best friend! Rusty has really given me his all, helped me make friends and ticked all my bucket list dreams, I am so grateful for him.” 

Jade recalls the championship experience being a “dream” with enthusiasm and support from everyone there, “I compete on my own, so it can be a bit hard work, but people were really quick to help, someone filmed for me and the steward helped dry my glasses before I went in! People are really friendly, always ask for help if you need it.” 

Using their qualification scores for the Petplan Area Festivals allowed Jade to focus on training for the rest of the year, ‘I train with Leanne Wall and Gail Ridgewell, and I owe all my success to them both as well as Emily Nicol and Adam Heitman who look after Rusty day to day.” 

The combination has had previous success at the championships, “last year we won the Thoroughbred Prelim, and I really enjoyed the atmosphere, so it was definitely a show I wanted to attend in 2023.” Choosing the compete in the championships because, “it is a really good opportunity for combinations to compete against their own type and I’m really thankful to Cavago for their continued support.” 

After a quiet few month's training at home as well as hacking and beach rides, Jade looks to continue their run of success into next year, “we are stepping up to Elementary so I’m looking forward to the challenge with my bestie.”

Veteran Horse 20+ Years Championship

Rosie Mcauley and Rooney (Rubin Royal x Lafayette) were crowned overall champions of the Veteran HOrse 20+ Years Medium class, with an impressive score of 69.05% and also won the bronze section in the Advanced Medium, Rosie spoke to us about how proud she was to leave Vale View with this result. “For everyone in the veteran horse classes it’s a big achievement to keep your horse fit and healthy to compete at that level so to have the opportunity to compete in your own class and win such beautiful prizes is a wonderful reward for your hard work.”

The 21-year-old gelding has made Rosie “so proud” and she is ‘grateful to have him,” Despite Rooney being spooky in the arena during their Advanced Medium, “I think we might have done the fastest first half of an Advanced Medium you’ve ever seen and a couple of unnecessary flying changes because he wasn’t really paying attention, so to come second was a big surprise.” The 16hh bay was much more relaxed second time round for the Medium test, “he gave a lovely ride round and enough time to smile and enjoy it. He smashed out some lovely half passes, which I am please with because we’ve worked hard on those, but the highlight has to be the little round of applause we got from some strangers watching on the side. It is really lovely that people are there to support each other and openly demonstrate that.”

The championships experience was amazing according to Rosie, “I love the championships, it feels like a real celebration of amateurs just enjoying their horses, everyone is friendly, encouraging each other and very supportive. I didn’t speak to one person who wasn’t offering to be helpful! That’s a special atmosphere for a big show.” 

Rosie explained to us the challenges of stepping up the levels, “moving from Elementary to Medium then Advanced Medium is hard, after a year off it’s taken a lot of work to get him fit and build up the right muscles to do the more advanced work, especially being a bit older.” It takes a great support team to get this far, “we wouldn’t have gotten to the championships without our amazing physio, Paula Drury, who through her fitness plan and exercises built him up slowly so he is stronger and feels amazing to ride.”

‘Roo’ as he is otherwise known loves the attention, “he tries so hard in between the white boards, especially if he can see it’s a big show, he loves competing and showing off.” Although he will let his feelings known if he doesn’t like something, “he gets very upset if he feels like he might be left alone anywhere, even in the warmup. I am very lucky to have found a lovely yard who do their very best to pander to all his foibles and he’s so happy.” 

Although Rosie has owned Rooney for three years, he had to take a year off due to injury just a month after their partnership began, “I was lucky enough to be given him by his lovely owner Linda Lloyd, he is an absolute handful to look after, but I am incredibly lucky to ride him, he has taught me so much.” Having only ever ridden one dressage test before owning him it is incredible achievement to now be a championship winner, “to think we are out at Advanced Medium and doing all the ‘posh stuff’ I’ve learnt so much which I will use for the rest of my riding life and I’ve definitely got the dressage bug.” 

Amelia Ward (pictured above) won both the Veteran Horse 20+ years Elementary Bronze and Novice Silver sections on the wonderful 28-year-old Tireve What’s Wanted (Tireve Tywysog DU x Easton Aria x Brockwell Berwyn). Amelia spoke to us following her Elementary test, “I was thrilled with him, he did everything I asked, we had one minor error which was my fault, we had a step back in the halt.” 

Amelia and 13.2hh ‘Fred’ as he is known to his friends, have attending the Associated Championships for many years, Amelia explained to us why she continues to compete in the veteran classes, “at other championships the horses are a lot younger than him, so it gives him a fairer playing field. It is also friendly, we have been coming for years, especially in the veteran classes it is similar people who compete, so we all know each other and each other's horses and we are all aging gracefully together!”

Deborah Newman and Legolas (Lord Sinclair x Santina) were crowned the Veteran Horse 20+ Years Elementary champions with the overall highest score of 69.56%, we spoke to Deborah on the day about how pleased she was with Legolas, “we only started doing BD in January this year, so this is my first time doing this and I am very happy.” 

Deborah chose to compete at the Associated championships to give Legolas the opportunity to compete against horses a similar age to the 20-year-old gelding, “usually the judges don’t know that he is older, so he might not be as supple as some of the younger horses, so it is nice to have a class that is specialised for the older horses."

Enjoying the atmosphere at their first championships, “there is not too much pressure, you put more pressure on yourself.” The 16.2hh British Bred Hanoverian was brought for Deborah by her parents, after a previous career as a para horse, “I was very lucky through my parents really that I was able to acquire him last year, I am just chuffed.” 

CHAPS (Coloured Horse and Pony Society) Championships 

Emma Jablonski and Multivision (Dream Boy x Tiara x Negro) had incredible success at Vale View Equestrian, becoming the overall champions in both the CHAPS Elementary and Novice, sharing how she feels following the event Emma tells us, “it makes me very proud, to achieve this consistency at two levels and is really rewarding. It is also a great confidence boost to know that your training is progressing well and pleasing the judges.” 

Emma recalls both test being consistent throughout, the only slight loss in marks in the Novice test might have been for “a small spook in the counter canter” but nether the less the combination received an impressive score of 73.52% from the judges, the third highest score of the whole championships. The eight-year-old gelding then went on to “throw some shapes before the bell went for the Elementary but luckily got over this for his test” receiving the highest score of the whole championships, an outstanding 74.71%. 

Reflecting on the amazing achievement Emma tells us, “it’s really rewarding, I love the journey of training my horses from babies, working through the levels from Prelim to hopefully Grand Prix. To get these scores is really fantastic and a great measure of how our training is progressing.” Having owned the 17hh gelding from a foal Emma talked about how she fell in love with him at first sight, “we brought his half brother, who is nearly black, from Laurie Ibbotson two years prior, and then got a call to say she had another super colt (Mobi). He was coloured so I wasn’t really that excited, but we went to see him anyway, and the rest was history! He was a stunning foal, how could I resist?”

The British bred horse is described by Emma as “very clever and a character” the cheeky chap likes causing chaos at home, “he enjoys doing things like taking the stable roof off, taking his rubber matting up, digging holes, throwing water buckets around. Luckily he loves his work and tries so hard.” Looking after her horses at home has allowed Emma to create “a great bond” knowing them all inside out. “I love the relationship, it’s my happy place, it is so much more than just riding.” 

Emma described their preparation for the championships Emma describes as “really chilled, you might say minimal, due to me being in the middle of moving house and not having much time to think about it, we just went and did our best.” Choosing to compete at the Associated Championships because, “I love the concept, its great for horses and riders in each of the associations to compete against similar types.” At the championships itself, “it was great to see so many coloured horses of all types compete for their own titles is fabulous. Vale View is a super venue, the decorations were a great touch and gave the competition that championship feel.”

Looking towards the future Emma hopes to, “continue our training towards Medium next year and then beyond.” With hopes to train the six-year-old to Grand Prix, “now this seems a very realistic goal, watch this space over the next few years! We will be back at the Associated Championships at Medium next year.” 

Katy Connon and Diamond Puzzle (pictured above) won the silver section in the CHAPS Prelim class, with 67.59%, Katy spoke to us directly after her winning test, “our test went ok, we did the Area Festival Championships a couple of months ago and she was a bit lazy, but she really lit up in there today, so it was a nice test.” 

Katy planned on attending the Associated Championships to finish her 2023 season, leaving with a win is a great way to end the year, “I wanted to do something at the end of the year, before we head into winter where she will have a little bit of a rest, it has been nice to have something to aim for.” 

The 14-year-old piebald mare has done showing in the past and the pair only started their BD journey in February where ‘Puzzle’ has taken to it very well, “she quite likes being between the white boards, she is much calmer in there than she is in a show ring.” Katy aims to work towards Elementary in the future.

Congratulations to all of this years qualifiers and winners, we hope you have all had a wonderful time taking part in the Associated Championship series. The atmosphere and community created by everyone is amazing, the incredible support for one another makes the championships a great place to be. Thank you to Julie and the friendly team who welcomed us to Vale View Equestrian and helped create this spectacular atmosphere.   

We would like to thank the judges, stewards and volunteers who made the event possible and a huge thank you to our generous sponsor Cavago, for their continued support.

© Kevin Sparrow 


Veteran Rider Championships 
Sponsored by Cavago
Prix St Georges Bronze Shirley Wright & Vanilla Courage, 63.88% 
Prix St Georges Silver Julie Hyslop & Rubin Star Lioness, 68.97% (Champion) 
Advanced Medium Bronze Senise Wainwright & Ruby Tues 2 66.55% (Champion) 
Advanced Medium Silver Sally Hall & Falira, 66.55% 
Medium Bronze Sallyann Burns & After Darkness, 66.81% 
Medium Silver Emma Agnew & Heroique J, 70.95% (Champion) 
Elementary Bronze Angelika Raith & Crush Sow, 67.28% 
Elementary Silver Julie Brazier & Furstin Beauty, 71.54% (Champion) 
Elementary Gold Kate Williams & Davidoff, 62.94% 
Novice Bronze Lesley Biddle & Kildun Rocky, 64.69% 
Novice Silver Alice Elliott & OFS Gryffindor, 68.13% (Champion)  
Prelim Bronze Amanda Miller & TM Gwendolyn, 67.19% 
Prelim Silver Sue Soley & Ellie VII, 70.94% (Champion) 
Prelim Gold Judith Bennett & Lamour, 68.44% 
Introductory Bronze Sally Wright & Chequerhill Toy Boy, 67.61% (Champion)  
Veteran Horse 15 – 19 Years Championship 
Sponsored by Cavago
Prix St Georges Bronze Shirley Wright & Vanilla Courage, 67.50% 
Prix St Georges Silver Claire Knowles & Singing Skyjacker, 67.94% (Champion)  
Prix St Georges Gold Jenny Folman & Favory Gazdag, 67.21% 
Advanced Medium Bronze Lisa Neil & Hunros Tuscany, 66.25% 
Advanced Medium Silver Charlotte Neal & Walter’s Fable, 67.87% 
Advanced Medium Gold Harriette Williams & Winwood, 72.13% (Champion) 
Medium Bronze Sallyann Burns & After Darkness, 67.67% 
Medium Silver Judy Bradwell & Akolien, 69.14% (Champion) 
Elementary Bronze A Lucy Edmeades Stearns & Rumpelstiltskin II, 68.75% (Champion) 
Elementary Silver A Cheryl Stacey & Takinou, 67.94% 
Elementary Gold A Grace Browning & Rascalini, 68.01% 
Elementary Bronze B Lorraine Cowell & Celebration, 68.90% 
Elementary Silver B Judy Bradwell & Akolien, 70.15% (Champion) 
Novice Bronze Abigail Sendel & Dassett Breeze, 67.59% 
Novice Silver Katie Throup & Nolton Banter, 71.67% (Champion) 
Novice Gold Grace Browning & Rascalini, 66.94% 
Prelim Bronze Deni Harper – Adams & Rhondevouz, 70.09% 
Prelim Silver Amelia Dovey & Jilly, 70.95% (Champion) 
Prelim Gold Clare Louise Ashley & Henry 69.40% 
Introductory Bronze Laura Wragg & Hillside Aley, 68.59% (Champion)  
Forces Equine Championships 
Sponsored by Cavago
Medium Bronze Lauren Sweetland & Asby Mills Amigo, 68.02% 
Medium Silver Charlotte Calvert & Woodlander Frampton, 71.72% (Champion) 
Medium Gold Julie Frizzell & Namibian, 64,22% 
Elementary Bronze Frances Travis & Mama Mia III, 66.62% 
Elementary Silver Charlotte Calvert & Woodlander Frampton, 72.21% (Champion) 
Elementary Gold Alison Calvert & Quando, 71.47% 
Novice Bronze Emily Simpson & Vancouverite, 66.04% 
Novice Silver Megan Guild & Evermore Litchy MFS, 72.19% (Champion) 
Novice Gold Alison Calvert & Quando, 69.27% 
Prelim Bronze Olivia Knowles & Cloherview Albi, 73.13% (Champion) 
Prelim Silver Emily Simpson & Vancouverite, 68.02% 
Introductory Bronze Scarlett Dandy & Tommy IV, 67.93% (Champion) 
ROR Championships 
Sponsored by Cavago 
Advanced Medium Bronze Jane Phillips & Fair Duchess, 66.01% (Champion) 
Medium Bronze Yasmin Wright & Salubrious, 69.19% (Champion) 
Medium Silver Patricia Haskins & Gaelic Surprise, 66.76% 
Medium Gold Gemma Haworth & Looney Les, 67.06% 
Elementary Bronze Helen Tyler & Chatelier, 67.16% 
Elementary Silver Patricia Haskins & Gaelic Surprise, 68.28% (Champion) 
Novice Bronze Katie Spitzmaul & Lord Roflow, 68.54% (Champion) 
Novice Silver Harriet Dickin & Clster of the West, 67.50% 
Novice Gold Okke Krol & Rising Ruler, 64.38% 
Prelim Bronze Robert Komianos & Mary of De Sorrows, 67.50% 
Prelim Silver Steph Cameron & The Cotswold Grey, 68.23% 
Prelim Gold Boogie Machin & Closer than Close, 68.65% (Champion) 
Introductory Bronze Darran Moore & Dubai Mystery, 67.28% (Champion) 
Thoroughbred Championships  
Sponsored by Cavago
Advanced Medium Bronze Jane Phillips & Fair Duchess, 64.26% (Champion) 
Medium Bronze Yasmin Wright & Salubrious, 71.55% (Champion) 
Medium Silver Patrica Haskins & Gaelic Surprise, 67.59% 
Elementary Bronze Helen Tyler & Chatelier, 67.84% 
Elementary Silver Patricia Haskins & Gaelic Surprise, 69.91% (Champion) 
Novice Bronze Jade Philbin & Star Cruising, 70.28% (Champion) 
Novice Silver Donna Boyd & Rinus Star 66.20% 
Prelim Bronze Nicola Keegan & Benatar, 66.81% 
Prelim Silver Emily Devane & Fergal Mael Duin, 68.62% 
Prelim Gold Olivia Rimmer & Wadacre Tir, 69..22% (Champion) 
Introductory Bronze Diana Cannings & Baron Alco, 64.24% (Champion) 
Veteran Horse 20+ Years Championships 
Sponsored by Cavago 
Advanced Medium Bronze Rosie Mcauley & Rooney, 62.57% 
Advanced Medium Silver Lizzie Bulmer & Watergate, 68.09% (Champion) 
Advanced Medium Gold Nick Lawson & Pasajes 1, 60.81% 
Medium Bronze Rosie Mcauley & Rooney, 69.05% (Champions) 
Medium Silver John Bowers & Wiaronette, 67.67% 
Medium Gold Nick Lawson & Pasajes 1, 63.71% 
Elementary Bronze Amelia Ward & Tireve What’s Wanted, 69.49% 
Elementary Silver Deborah Newman & Legolas, 69.56% (Champion) 
Elementary Gold Jessica Williams & Mr Kringle, 66.99% 
Novice Bronze Liz Driver & Millthyme Lovejoy, 70.28% (Champion) 
Novice Silver Ameila Ward & Tireve What’s Wanted, 68.98% 
Novice Gold Jonquil Sargent & Elmside Farm Tex, 64.07% 
Prelim Bronze Xanthe Banks & Bizzie B, 67.16% 
Prelim Silver Steevi Pugh & Mitcheltroy Mercary, 66.12% 
Prelim Gold Nadine Murray & Mister T, 67.59% (Champion) 
Introductory Bronze Hannah Latus & Seamoor Sonata, 66.96% (=Champion) 
Introductory Bronze Emma Davison & Remy Martin, 66.96% (=Champion) 
CHAPS Championships 
Sponsored by Cavago
Medium Bronze Caroline Anne Ratcliffe & Jelt Sakari, 67.50% 
Medium Silver Annabel Hunter Blair & Ballynoe Hallo, 72.41% (Champion) 
Medium Gold Sarah Colborn & Dolderwydd Maisie, 65.00% 
Elementary Bronze Beth Ault & Splash Moran, 67.72% 
Elementary Silver Victoria Hodge & Lola IV, 68.24% 
Elementary Gold Emma Jablonski & Multivision, 74.71% (Champion) 
Novice Bronze Kim Tibble & Pauldarys Symphony in Sox, 66.30% 
Novice Silver Looby Marsden & Essentially Small Change, 70.09% 
Novice Gold Emma Jablonski & Multivision, 73.52% (Champion) 
Prelim Bronze Katy Connon & Diamond Puzzle, 67.59% 
Prelim Silver Sue Soley & Ellie VII, 71.21% 
Prelim Gold Looby Marsden & Essentially Small Change, 74.57% (Champion) 
Introductory Bronze Theo Charnley & RSPCA George, 70.76% (Champion)