
Thursday Equine Flu update

  • Written By: British Dressage
  • Published: Thu, 14 Feb 2019 14:21

The British Equestrian Federation (BEF) notes the latest update from the Animal Health Trust (follow @equiflunet on Twitter for more details) reporting more positive tests for equine flu in Sussex, Worcestershire and Leicestershire.

The BEF continues to urge horse owners to be vigilant for signs of equine flu and to alert their vet if they think their horses are showing symptoms.

As has been demonstrated in this outbreak, vaccinations are vital in tackling the spread of the disease so all owners MUST ensure their vaccination records are up to date. If it’s been longer than six months since the last vaccination, we strongly recommend discussing a booster with their veterinary surgeon.

The BEF notes that some venues are insisting – as they are perfectly entitled to – that all horses must have received a booster within the last six months. This is a decision based on a local veterinary risk assessment so we would remind participants to check the requirements of venues before they set off.

We also remind owners that any contact with recently imported horses represents an increased risk so owners should follow veterinary advice by isolating any recently imported horse for a period of at least 21 days.

BD members are reminded to have their passports ready for checking at competitions as full or spot examinaitons may take place.  Please make sure your vaccination record meets the requirements as laid out in rule 9 and as stated above, if you're horse has not had a vaccination within the last six months, we'd urge you to consider disscusing a booster with your vet.