
Senior Home Nations: South & East take the cup

  • Written By: British Dressage | Anna Chadfield
  • Published: Wed, 11 Sep 2024 10:00

As always, the outcome of the Senior Home Nations (31 August -1 September 2024), held at Addington Equestrian Centre, was breathtakingly close. This year was very much the South & East’s time to shine with team Zeus taking the top spot on the podium and team Dionysus joining them there in third place alongside the North & East, who once again took second place. The South & East also dominated the Novice individual championship with three of their riders coming in the top three and Craig Messenger claiming the top score of the weekend.

“What a weekend for Team Green”

Senior Home Nations Dressage Sunday 2024 Prize giving - spidgephotos.JPGFinishing the first day in fifth, N&E Zeus’s strong second-day performance brought them out on top. The team, made up of Charlotte Dorey (Prelim), Craig Messenger (Novice), Patricia Smith (Elementary), and Hannah Knight (Medium), took first place on 419.96. They were joined on the podium by North & East's Versailles in second on 417.20 and their fellow South & East team, Dionysus, on 415.61 in third.

Charlotte Dorey with her eight-year-old mare, Deards Silver Bounce, known as Cali at home, gave a strong performance on both days scoring 66.67% and 69.10% for their prelim test. Beginning their partnership in 2021, Cali came to Charlotte as a very green four-year-old, and since starting their affiliated journey in June 2023 the pair have continually shown promise, qualifying straight away for The U25 Championships at Sheepgate, where they placed in the top five of every class they entered, and just under two weeks prior had claimed second place in the Prelim Championship and Novice Team Championship at this year’s Under 25s Championships, so the Senior Home Nations is just the latest indication of what the pair have to look forward to.

“We have had the most amazing weekend,” said Charlotte, posting on Facebook, “Cali and I have had the most amazing year being on the teams for British Dressage South & East region and we have met some amazing people along the way. It means so much to us to have been a part of such an amazing team. Cali and I are already looking forward to teams next year.”Senior Home Nations sun 24 - Novice 37a - 104 Craig Messenger Niko Aster - spidgephotos.JPG

Craig Messenger riding Daniel Watson’s homebred six-year-old Niko Aster (Valverde x Sandro Hit), pictured above, had an incredible weekend. Craig and this promising young horse gave a top performance on both days with scores of 72.01% and 75.99% respectively earning them the highest total score of the show of 148% and making them Individual Novice champions. Their second-day test was also the highest-scored test of the competition.

 “Just Wow… what a weekend! Thank you Niko Aster for being the best boy ever.” Said Craig, summarising the weekend and exclaiming his thanks for his much-loved ride, “Such a wonderful horse I am so lucky.”

Senior Home Nations sun 2024 - Elementary 59 - 70 Patricia Smith Joost - spidgephotos.JPGPatricia Smith and her 10-year-old gelding Joost, pictured above, moved up to Elementary this year having placed individual second in Novice at the 2022 Senior Home Nations. Their return was welcomed as they scored 64.12% and 68.54% helping to give the team the bolster they needed on the second day to clinch that top spot on the podium.

Hannah Knight and her 11-year-old mare Indy Pepper produced two nice medium tests scoring 67.65% and 65.77%. “What a weekend for Team Green. I could not have asked Indy to behave any better. She was just a star from start to finish, so chilled and rideable which is all I wanted. Yes, we had mistakes in both tests, but I was so super pleased with her way of going,” said Hannah, reflecting on the weekend before adding: “Everyone was so friendly and supportive making the weekend such a joy”

Individual champions from N&W, S&W, Scotland, S&E and Wales

Senior Home Nations sun 24 - Prelim 19 - 106 Jane Littlejohn Not Just Anyone - spidgephotos.JPG

Despite almost not making it, Jane and her six-year-old gelding Not Just Anyone, pictured above, clinched a win for the South & West with an impressive score of 73.45% & 73.54% making them the Prelim champions.

“What started as an extremely stressful weekend with my lorry breaking down and nearly not getting to the Home Nations turned into a fabulous result. My beautiful horse Jet really put his best hoof forward… He really is living up to his name!” explained Jane.

Sharing how her friends and teammates pulled together helped to make it all happen, she added: “I couldn’t have got there without Alice offering to take us and the use of [a friend's] lorry to get me to the lift!

Senior Home Nations sun 24 - Elementary 59 - 44 Rebecca Parsonage Donnella - spidgephotos.JPGThis year was Elementary champion Rebecca Parsonage’s first year moving up to seniors representing the North & West at the Home Nation. Riding Olivia Stafford’s 12-year-old mare, Donella, Rebecca gave a memorable performance, scoring 69.07% and 70.57% for their Elementary tests.

Senior Home Nations sat 2024 - Medium 73 - 125 Claire Marshall Samuel II - spidgephotos.JPG

Representing Scotland at the top spot on the podium, Claire Marshall and her 17-year-old gelding, Samuel II, just clinched first place scoring 68.63% and 66.89%. With less than 0.5% between the top three, the pair did an incredible job of holding their nerve and just edging out in front of the North & West competition who claimed second and third place on the podium.

Senior Home Nations Sun 24 - Advanced Medium 98 - 2 Jodie Smith Amber V - spidgephotos.JPG

Former Part-Bred British Native Pony Medium Silver Champion (2022), Jodie Smith with her own Amber V, have continued their champion status as they moved up to Advanced Medium, claiming the Home Nations individual Advanced Medium Champion title representing the South & East. In yet another incredibly close competition, they held their own on the first day sitting in fourth with 66.45%, and then pulled it out of the bag on the second day to secure the top spot with their score of 67.68%.

Senior Home Nations sun 24 -Advanced 105 - 75 Amy Foster-Smith Kimberley SHR - spidgephotos.JPG

Last but not least, this year’s PSG individual champion was Amy Foster Smith and her 9-year-old mare Kimberley SHR did Wales proud with their score of 69.63% putting them ahead of the competition from day one and they managed to hold on to that top spot in the second day on 68.43%. This is the combination's first season at PSG level and they have proven that they are the ones to watch, consistently placing in the top three at this level and this weekend was no exception.

“I’m sure everyone is pretty fed up with me going on and on and on about how unbelievable this horse is, but she was just amazing yet again! I honestly can’t fault her, she did two great tests winning the Advanced 105 on Saturday with 69.63% and the PSG on Sunday with 68.43% meaning we were overall PSG Champions! Everyone said how lovely she is, not just in the arena but also just her amazing character and super sweet nature. I’m always pinching myself at how lucky I am to have this amazing horse, so super grateful for her. I had such a great weekend with the team and supporting one another by cheering everyone at the end of our tests all weekend.” says Amy, perfectly summarising the gratitude that she and many other riders have felt for their amazing four-legged partners and their team’s support.

Congratulations to all the competitors and thanks to Addington Equestrian Centre for hosting the competition and to all the judges, scorers, stewards and volunteers who made the event so much fun!

Results (top three)


  1. South & East, Zeus, 419.96
    Prelim, Charlotte Dorey and Deards Silver Bounce; Novice, Craig Messenger and Niko Aster; Elementary, Patricia Smith and Joost; Medium, Hannah Knight and Indy Pepper
  2. North & East, Versailles, 417.20
    Prelim, Lily Carson and SCS Orlando From Second Life; Novice, Clare Bosley and Tremeer; Elementary, Molly Rose and Wantsley; Medium, Sam York and Oakring Santino
  3. South & East, Dionysus, 415.61
    Prelim, Kate and Heap Nescio PK; Novice, Luke Prior and Millview Mamuka Rose; Elementary, Zoe Kirkpatrick and Milan; Medium, Chelsea Donovan and Frankie Zenturio



  1. Jane Littlejohn & Not just Anyone (S&W), 73.45% & 73.54%
  2. Lily Carson SCS & Orlando From Second Life (N&E), 72.36% & 73.06%
  3. Kate Heap & Nescio PK (S&E), 69.20% & 70.90%


  1. Craig Messenger & Niko Aster (S&E), 72.01% & 75.99%
  2. Luke Prior & Millview Mamuka rose (S&E), 70.56% & 70.56%
  3. Julie Offen & Elysium D (S&E), 68.75% & 68.95%


  1. Rebecca Parsonage & Donnella (N&W), 69.07% & 70.57%
  2. Lilly Godfrey SJL & Zaphire (Scotland), 69.41% & 68.59%
  3. Molly Rose & Wantsley (N&E), 67.55% & 70.05


  1. Claire Marshall & Samuel II (Scotland), 68.63% & 66.89%
  2. Tessa Ryley & Little Jo (N&W), 68.78% & 66.40%
  3. Shirley Wright & Der Blitz (N&W), 67.79% & 67.34%

Advanced Medium

  1. Jodie Smith & Amber (S&E), 66.45% & 67.68%
  2. Sarah Jacklin & Good Speed (N&W), 68.12 65.48%
  3. Dawn Grundy & Rough Lee So Schufro (N&W), 65.30 67.98%


  1. Amy Foster & Smith Kimberley SHR (Wales), 69.63% & 68.43%
  2. Ben James & Camarilla Calimero (S&W), 67.31% & 67.35%
  3. Jessica Parr & Juvat FCS (N&E), 69.07% & 64.71%


Photo © Spidge Event Photography