My Gold Medal

The spotlight is on you! As the competition is underway, we share with you some of our favourite My Gold Medal stories submitted by you. 


"A score of 70% at my DTM area class, showing we oldies can still do it!" - Penelope Beattie

Theo’s Gold Medal moment is being selected by the North West Squad to ride for England at the upcoming Home Nations Championships. “The pride to represent your region and country far surpasses any result as does being part of an incredible team.” - Paul/Theo Charnley 

“Two weeks before my 70th birthday when I got to wear a tailcoat for the first time. My lovely mare and I danced down the centre line, and came away with a great score. I thought I might just burst!” - Diana Birtwistle

“After years of battling with chronic metabolic problems, we have achieved reducing & sustaining our beautiful DiMaggio mare Dominique’s insulin count down from 300+ to 9! She qualified in just two outings for regionals & has just qualified for The National championship on a score of 70%+.For us... it doesn’t get any better than this!” - Pat Marlin

“As I was lying in the hospital in Leeds, my personal goal was to make it to Paris, I sail over tonight on the ferry and honestly I'm as happy as I would have been had I won a Gold Medal!! I'll be proud to wave our flag!” - Rachael Newth