
Ride to the Regionals: Qualification success

  • Written By: British Dressage
  • Published: Fri, 01 Jul 2022 15:30

Our three Ride to the Regionals combinations have gained their qualification tickets! Catch up with their preparations, training updates and show day experiences in part two of our BD at Home series.

Gemma Phipps and Smooth Beginnings

Gemma and Smooth Beginnings (Rolo) gained their qualifications just inches away from the end of season, heading to Sparsholt on 26 June gaining their second place rosette with 68.33% in the Novice Silver, one of their best scores so far. Southampton-based Gemma couldn't be more proud of her six year old gelding on his qualification performance, "he was so relaxed and not spooky! He did, what I think, was his best test to date."

Having started their journey together six years ago, Gemma bought Rolo as a five month old foal and has backed and produced him herself. The pair have come such a long way since their competition debut in March 2020, notching up some great progress throughout the spring season. 

Gemma is planning on returning to Sparsholt EC on 17 July for their first British Dressage Summer Regional appearance, we wish them the best of luck! Hear from Gemma about their Regional Championship qualification experience below.


Alice Wilson-Gough and FBI

Gaining one qualification wasn't enough for Alice and FBI (Finn), who not only achieved TopSpec Medium qualification but also super scores and qualification points at Advanced Medium level too. The pair went out early in the season to get their Medium Silver scores where they enjoyed spring success, including a class win with 70%. Coach Alice Peternell then suggested the duo have a go at Advanced Medium level, this resulted in a trip to Prestige Equestrian for their second test at this level with the pair producing a red rosette performance and a score of 68.21%. After that confidence boost, a few days later they achieved 68.92% at Burrows Court.

Heading into the Summer with two qualifications Alice is planning on using her Medium scores for Summer Regionals and her Advanced Medium for the Petplan Equine Summer Area Festivals. Catch up with Alice and Finn to see how they have progressed, watch behind the scenes training clips and hear how she juggles home and riding life in her latest video below. 


Daisy Mansfield and Feentanz III

Daisy and Feentanz III (Fee) successfully gained their TopSpec Medium Silver qualifications in May at Sparsholt College with a personal best of 66.62%. The pair have been working hard on their partnership after only coming together in November of last year, with help from her mum Emma Mansfield and Shawn Mandy. Daisy is also determined to improve herself outside of the saddle, training with Rider Focus Physio to help with her balance, core strength and position. 

The pair are now competing at Advanced Medium, where they have also gained qualifications to the Summer Petplan Equine Area Festivals. Find out what they have been up to below and learn about Daisy's dedicated routine with fabulous Fee. 


Winter season qualification is now open! Want to get involved? Learn how you can qualify and compete in the Regionals Championships here.