
Volunteer vacancies in the regions

  • Written By: British Dressage
  • Published: Thu, 17 Sep 2020 15:45

Are you passionate about our sport? Do you have the time to give as a volunteer in your region? We're recruiting for a range of roles across our eight regions in a number of key areas of expertise.

Volunteering with British Dressage can be extremely rewarding and it gives you can chance to be a part of the team who shape, influence and promote our sport - the perfect opportunity to make a difference while giving something back. All our vacancies will start on 1 January 2021 but we want to start the recruitment process to allow for a period of hand over in some roles during December. 

The process

Each position has a full role description of what's required and an application form. Please complete the form and return by email to the address given on the form by Thursday 29 October. Those applying for the Chair role in either Southern or Scotland should include a CV too.

Shortlisting and interviews, all remotely via Zoom, will take place in November with dates arranged between the RDO and applicants. Chair interview dates have been set as:

  • Southern - Wednesday 11 November
  • Scotland - Thursday 12 November

If you're interested in any of the roles below and have questions, please do email your Regional Development Officer who can help.

Region Role vacancy Role description Application form
Southern Chairman click here click here
BD Youth representative click here click here
Marketing representative click here click here
County Coordinator for Hampshire click here click here
Scotland Chairman click here click here
Para representative click here click here
Northern Judges representative click here click here
BD Youth representative click here click here
BD Youth Ambassador x 2 (click title for more info) click here click here
South West Para representative click here click here
Senior County Coordinator for SW Wiltshire click here click here
Eastern Senior Training representative click here click here
Central Marketing representative click here click here
Wales BD Youth Ambassador (click title for more info) click here click here
North West BD Youth Ambassador (click title for more info) click here click here