
Regional Review – changes to BD regions for 2020

  • Written By: British Dressage
  • Published: Fri, 29 Nov 2019 16:50

One of the projects at BDHQ this year has been a review of our eight regions. Their geography, the number of affiliated venues included within boundaries and the member levels residing in each region have all been evaluated in detail.

These three factors are important to ensure our team of hard working Regional Development Officers (RDOs) and Regional Committees can best support all of our members in their area.
A few geographical anomalies were identified where, through the growth and development we have enjoyed in recent years, the numbers have become unbalanced.

In addition, we received a number of comments from different groups of stakeholders as part of our membership survey earlier this year. Therefore, in consultation with the RDOs and our Regional Chairs, we’ve made alterations to the boundary lines for some regions, which will affect which counties sit in each area.

The counties affected are:

• Hampshire and Isle of Wight – move from Central to Southern
• Leicestershire – moves from Northern to Central
• Herefordshire – moves from North West to Central
• Worcestershire - moves from North West to Central

The other four regions (Eastern, South West, Scotland and Wales) will remain the same.

Reviewing the structure of the regions was on my list of objectives when I joined BD in January, as it was clear that there was imbalance of numbers and geography in some areas. We have tried to keep changes to a minimum, whilst still ensuring that our RDOs and Regional Committees can give the best service possible to all members in their region. I hope everyone in the counties affected will understand the rationale for these changes and embrace their new regional colours with pride.
Ben Waterhouse BD Chief Operating Officer

Click for a revised regional map

All members and affiliated venues residing in those counties will be transferred automatically to their new region and RDO, with effect from 1 January 2020.

If you compete in Quest, you’ll be automatically moved across but still have the option to transfer to another region, as per the rules. In light of the regional alterations, anyone affected will have the chance to register a change by the end of March. Just let our Quest Co-ordinator know via email at and the change will be made to your preferred region and any results already recorded will be transferred too.

If you’re a rider and have previously competed on regional teams or participated in regional training and have a strong affiliation to your existing region, you will still have the opportunity to remain with the region if you wish to do so. If you would prefer to continue representing the same region, rather than move to the new one, it’s your choice – simply contact your RDO to discuss the options.

Although these changes will take effect from the start of next year, they won’t be reflected in the printed schedules in the next issue of the BD magazine, which is due out on 4 December (covering shows up to the end of February 2020), so please note that the incorrect RDO may be listed against some fixtures.

Questions you may have:

Why was the change necessary?

The numbers of members and venues in certain regions was becoming disproportionate for the RDO to manage. There were also anomalies that meant some regions were more geographically spread, making the co-ordination, planning and travelling across the region more difficult. There’s now a much better balance, which will help the RDOs to carry out their varied role more effectively.

Do I need to do anything with my membership?

If you live in a county which is moving regions, the change will be automatically made, you don’t need to do anything.

How do I find out who my new RDO and regional reps are?

You should have received an email from BD detailing the change and introducing your new RDO. If you haven’t received it, from the 1 January 2020 you can visit the ‘Regions’ page on the website and find your county against a region. Your RDO and regional committee will be listed there.

I like representing my current region in teams, why do I have to move?

You don’t. If you have already ridden for a region and want to continue representing that region when competing, you still can. Just contact your RDO for help and they’ll ensure your region preference is recorded on our systems.

How does this affect the Quest leader boards and competition?

Currently all riders and teams must nominate a region before competing and their points then go towards the regional leader boards – so the process won’t be any different. If you’re affected by the change and want to nominate a different region, just let our Quest Co-ordinator know before the end of March 2020.

My nearest Regional venue is no longer in my region, what do I do?

You’re free to go to any Regional you choose, we no longer allocate them on a ‘per region’ basis. They are awarded on a number of factors, including geography, access and concentration of member numbers. But you can still attend any venue, regardless of regional boundaries.