
Regional Chairs awarded President's Commendation

  • Written By: British Dressage
  • Published: Wed, 08 Mar 2023 11:54

Lotte Olsen and Vikki Hayton have been presented with the British Dressage President's Commendation to mark outstanding contribution and long-term voluntary service to their respective regions. 

The President's Commendation is an award that recognises outstanding contributions, by an individual or group, to dressage in Great Britain. Its recipients are a shining example of commitment and contribution to British Dressage, displaying significant selflessness in supporting others and making a difference in their community. 

It's our privilege to announce that Lotte Olsen and Vikki Hayton were presented with this prestigious award by Chairman Jill Day in front of regional committee colleagues and head office staff at the annual BD Regional Representatives meeting on Monday 6 March.

Lotte Olsen (pictured above) took on the role of Chairman for the Eastern region eight years ago. During that time, she proved to be an excellent Chair, turning her hand to a wide variety of roles from riding and stewarding to judging and organising. Lotte made it her mission to visit every corner of the region, ensuring that all Eastern members felt included, represented and listened to. Her hard work continued when Eastern become South & East on the restructure of the BD regions, with Lotte's role taking on new ground and extending her travels to cover the newly added counties. Lotte was a supportive, innovative and enthusiastic Chair who's contribution to the region was greatly appreciated by all. Although retirement from her long-term role beckons, Lotte will remain involved in the South & East in her roles as a List 2 Judge, steward and competitor. 

Also joining Lotte in stepping down from the Chair role, Vikki Hayton (pictured below) has been an outstanding member of the Northern and North & East regional committee for almost 20 years. Her journey began as Training rep in 2004 before taking on the position for Coaching, and later becoming Chair in 2014 following a short break. Vikki has always remained an example of commitment to the region, positive in her attitude and busy driving developments for all members, maintaining a passion for supporting coaching and judges in her endeavours. She also enjoyed representing the region in the saddle, including appearances at the Senior Home International. As a List 3 judge and BDCC Accredited Coach, Vikki leaves a creditable training and education legacy, including the introduction of flexi-training. She now joins the BD Training Technical Committee where we have no doubt she will continue to be a great asset, alongside continuing to deliver training in the North & East region. 

British Dressage extends grateful thanks to both Lotte and Vikki for their immense contribution.