
Reallocation of Winter Area Festival and High Profile Show

  • Written By: British Dressage
  • Published: Tue, 25 Oct 2022 15:48

Due to the urgent maintenance work that is required at Keysoe International, the venue has informed us they are regrettably no longer able to host the High Profile Show in December, incorporating the Middle Tour Championship, or their Winter Area Festival in January. 

This follows a previous announcement that Keysoe would be closing for redevelopment from February 2023.  Therefore, all British Dressage fixtures provisionally scheduled to take place at Keysoe next year will now be re-allocated to alternative venues.

The Sport Operations team have been consulting with venue organisers and working on alternative contingency plans to ensure that these key competitions are able to go ahead as planned, while minimising disruption to the dressage calendar.

We are pleased to confirm that the High Profile Show and Middle Tour Championships, and the Winter Area Festival have been rescheduled as follows: 
British Dressage High Profile Show and Middle Tour Championships  
Arena UK, Grantham, Lincolnshire, Tuesday 6 December – Friday 9 December 2022.  
Arena UK is a well-established family run venue, with ideal facilities for this Championship, and have successfully hosted our Summer Area Festival Championships for the last two years.  Lauren Fogg and her team are looking forward to welcoming BD members to the show and we are very grateful for their support.

We are also delighted to announce that the BD Board has approved the reallocation of the Middle Tour Championships to Arena UK from 2023 onwards, so they can run alongside the Summer Area Festival Championships in October, which will add to the atmosphere and experience for all competitors.

British Dressage Petplan Equine Winter Area Festival 
Addington Equestrian, Addington, Buckinghamshire, Friday 13 January – Sunday 15 January 2023.   
It brings us great pleasure to welcome Addington back to British Dressage, a flagship equestrian centre that has been missed by everyone in the BD community. Alan Beaumont is an experienced international organiser, so we are delighted to confirm that they will also be hosting the Premier League fixture and CDI / CPEDI (subject to FEI approval) that were previously allocated to Keysoe in the spring of 2023.  We are grateful to Addington for accommodating these shows at short notice.

We understand that these changes will have an impact on riders’ plans, but we request that members remain patient while we update the schedules and entry information for the December and January competition dates.  Further updates will be available in due course.

British Dressage would like to extend our sincere thanks to Arena UK and Addington Equestrian for their support in agreeing to host these major fixtures and we are very much looking forward to working with them over the coming months.