
Quest Regional Finals 2020

  • Written By: British Dressage
  • Published: Fri, 08 Jan 2021 17:31

Our fantastic Quest community had a tough year like all of British Dressage in 2020. We salvaged a season end celebration by ensuring the eight regional finals could take place so we could at least crown champions regionally. Most of the competitions ran well and there was the usual Quest magic and camaraderie, despite the restrictions of COVID – thanks to you all who took part and congratulations to everyone.

However, the Quest regionals in the Eastern and Wales areas didn’t quite reach the exciting conclusion we’d have hoped for but we're now able to recognise our winning riders in teams.

Eastern Quest Regional Final

The first date for the Quest Regional Final to cover the Eastern was back in October, but due to weather conditions few weeks prior to the even, we had to reschedule the event and move venue to Keysoe. The rescheduled November date was then hit by lockdown 2.0 so it was again moved to 19-20 December. Everything was on course until the surrounding areas were put into Tier 3, leaving us with no option other than to cancel.

It was a shame for all who had entered and were preparing for their centre line, however, for the safety of those involved and for those who were travelling, it was the correct decision.

Wales Quest Regional Final

The Welsh Quest Regional Final was scheduled for October but the restrictions put in place by the Welsh Government around the Southern area of Wales, meant that we had to reschedule to December but with the necessity to split the competitions over a few date with our venue Beacons Equestrian. The restrictions were lessened within Wales and England which enabled us to run the Under 21s on Saturday 13 December 2020. Congratulations to all who attended that weekend. We were then able to run the competition for Team Quest Open on Saturday 19 December. However, new restrictions then came into force as of the evening of 19 December within Wales, meaning we had to abandon the Sunday competition. It was a shame for all that were involved.

However, not all is lost for those who didn’t get the chance to compete. Placings will be awarded as per the final leader boards from the 2020 season.

A huge well done to our Eastern champions:
My Quest U21
Intro: Charlotte Spicer and Drimnagh Samuel
Prelim: Katie Billings and Tweedle Dee III
Novice: Hattie Lloyd-Townshend and I’ve Dun Talking
My Quest Open
Intro: Natasha Reynolds and Merlin I
Prelim: Rebecca Fowler and Maria II
Novice: Jane Milton and Parkhill 18
Team Quest
Open: Quest to Impress
U21: Lakes Legends Juniors

And to our Wales My Quest Open winners:
Intro: Janette Holmes and Zak VI
Prelim: Anna Pryce and Garthfach Tiger Bright
Novice: Caroline King and Gabbana

Full leaderboard results:

Congratulations to all that managed to take part this year after all of the restrictions that were put into place and to those who didn’t get their moment to shine, we hope 2021 brings you good fortune.

As we are currently working from home due to the lockdown, rosettes and plaques will be sent out in due course. As soon as lockdown is eased we, we’ll get everything out as soon as possible, please be patient with us on this.

Let’s hope our 2021 Quest season can resume soon – in the meantime, stay at home and stay safe.