
Major dates rescheduled in Scotland

  • Written By: British Dressage
  • Published: Fri, 18 Dec 2020 20:37

With tier conditions tightening in Scotland set to continue beyond the Christmas period, we have made the decision to move the dates for the Regional and two Petplan Equine Area Festivals scheduled in the region. We hope that this gives more time for conditions to improve.

The revised dates are:

  • Winter Regionals at Morris Equestrian Centre  - 25 & 26 February
  • Petplan Equine Winter Area Festivals at Morris EC -  27 & 28 February
  • Petplan Equine Winter Area Festivals at Gordon Dressage Group - 5 & 6 March

Emma Devoy, Scotland Regional Development Officer commented; “We felt it was prudent to push the dates forward at this stage to give members time to try and plan ahead. The nature of the mandatory travel restrictions has a huge effect on members being able to access competitions. We therefore hope that by giving a bit more time before these important fixtures, that many people have worked so hard to qualify for, we put ourselves in the best position as possible for the competitions to run without disruption.”

The updated schedules for the fixtures are in the system but not live the website just yet.