
LeMieux Nationals 2024: day one

  • Written By: British Dressage
  • Published: Fri, 13 Sep 2024 12:00

The 2024 LeMieux National Dressage Championships got off to a top start, with 151 competitors taking to the arena to compete for nine National titles, battling not only each other but the weather on a day that saw sunshine, rain and hail.

Equissage Pulse Para Gold Grade I Championship

Winner: Susanna Wade and Premier Royal Mint, 70.000%

Susanna Wade and the lovely Premier Royal Mint won the Equissage Pulse Grade I Para Gold Final, with an amazing score of 70.00% from judges, Sarah Rodger, John Robinson and Lotte Olsen.

Reflecting, Susanna tells us she was “really happy” with how her test went in the LeMieux arena. After having a change of coach following the Hartpury CPEDI in July, Susanna now trains with Spencer Wilton. “Building up a new relationship as a team, this is only our second competition together, and after winning the first one and now this, I am really happy.” Although Susannah explains it is still a “work in progress” the amazing result today is an exciting glimpse at what's to come for the combination.

Competing at the National Championships can be a daunting prospect, with the grandstands and LeMieux Pavilion watching on, Susanna shares she was “slightly concerned” about the atmosphere, but Zamba, as he is known at home, took it all in his stride. Describing the gelding as “the ultimate gentleman” Susannah explains, “he really looked after me and did an awesome job.”

Talking about her dancing partner “Zamba” Susanna shares that the 17-year-old is definitely the most loved one on the yard, “he’s a big teddy bear and very soft.”

Looking ahead at what is next for the two of them, “We are heading to the Wellington CPDI in October this year and then we will have a break until next year” Susanna tells us, “Then hopefully we will be in contention for the Europeans next year.”

Elan Williams finished in both second and third place, riding Brandini to a score of 66.389% and WSH Something Borrowed received a score of 65.964%.

Equissage Pulse Para Gold Grade II Championship

Winner: Jemima Green and Fantabulous, 66.333%

The Equissage Pulse Para Gold Grade II Champion is Jemima Green with Fantabulous, who won with a score of 66.333%. Jemima shared with us her experience between the white boards at the dressage event of the year, “I was very proud of him, he was a bit quiet and shy in the beginning, but he held it together and tried for me” Despite Jemima thinking that the stunning gelding “didn’t quite show off the sparkle he can do” she added that, at only six-years-old, “he was very-very good.”

Reflecting on the buzzing atmosphere of the championship event, “He just looks for me, but when I haven’t got the leg to push him, he can be quite shy and doesn’t give his biggest trot or biggest walk but that will certainly come with time.” Jemima explains her favourite moment of the test being, “trotting up the centre line! I think this is always one of our highlights, before he gets his known shyness, he comes in quite bold, but it is your first impression and you want to give it your all.”

Jemima describes the gelding as, “one of the cheekiest horses,” always looking for attention on the yard, “you can't keep anything by his stable because he will take it, chew it and put it on the floor!” The happy chap is a “labrador” in horse form with a “heart of gold” Jemima tells us.

Their partnership began when Fantabulous was a four-year-old, looking back Jemima explains, “The relationship we have is very unique, I was occasionally riding him when he was four and we did think we were slightly crazy buying such a young horse.” However, this has proven to be the right decision, “after doing some competitions with Anna Miller as a five-year-old, he had some education and got to see what it was all about. I started competing him as a six-year-old and he has built up every time we have come out.” Having now competed at two international shows and another one planned before the end of the year, “he has really started to show off the sparkle he has” Jemima shares, “and we’ll aim on going abroad next year with him.”

Julie Payne with Divinity was second in the class with a score of 64.944% and rounding out the podium in third place was Natasha Adkinson riding Sweet Caledonia with a very close score of 64.276%.

Equissage Pulse Para Gold Grade III Championship

Winner: Katie Reilly and Impuilz W, 67.667%

Katie Reilly riding Impuilz W, won the Equissage Pulse Para Gold Grade III championship with an excellent score of 67.667% from the three judges in the LeMieux Arena. The combination showcased a lovely test despite the rain, with Katie and the 11-year-old gelding receiving 69.500% from the judge at M, Lotte Olsen at their first National Championships.

Katie also finished in third place riding Lymepark Riggeletto, with a score of 61.899% and Rosanne Knox and her own With Love JM were in second place, scoring 64.167%.

Equissage Pulse Para Gold Grade IX Championship

Winner: Fiona Maynard and Denver IX, 69.234%

Fiona Maynard riding Denver IX won the Equissage Pulse Para Gold Grade IV championship with a brilliant score of 69.234%. Fiona spoke to us about how she was “really pleased” with the 13-year-old gelding, “his canter work was brilliant, he felt like he had good power but for his trot work I tried a little bit too hard, and we had a little mistake in the medium trot.” This may have prevented them from reaching that 70% Fiona said, but they were “not far off and very pleased with how it went.”

Describing the stunning gelding as a very “in tune horse,” Fiona explains that her favourite part of today's test was the canter work, “he felt like he was really listening, I felt like he had the power but kept the softness within the canter. He’s a very happy, smiley competitor and loves his job, which makes competing always really nice and I felt like he was enjoying himself”.

Riding down the centre line in front of the spectators in the main arena, Fiona tells us, “He is quite a cool operator and I like him at the bigger shows more as it lifts him up, as he can be quite laid back.” Denver IX really rose to the occasion in front of our three judges, enjoying the atmosphere of the large event, “sometimes at our local shows, he thinks he is just trotting around at home, so can be flatter” so everyone’s support in the stands benefited the combinations performance.

The two of them have had a busy year, competing in the Semi-Finals at Hartpury in August, “which was great” Fiona tells us. Since then, they have been training at home in preparation for the National Championships, “I have had a tough run-up to this week, with our lorry breaking down and needing emergency mechanics. My dad is also quite elderly and is in hospital, so I wasn’t sure I was going to come. So, I am just really pleased we are here.”

Known for being a “cheeky chappy” at home, the lovely Oldenberg enjoys causing mischief, “he had a lovely sign up on his stable door that he took off and dismantled and we’ve had water pouring out the automatic drinker!” Describing him as “a real character and a yard favourite who loves going in the field and loves his routine, he’s just a happy horse.”

Having owned him for two years now, previously ridden by an able-bodied rider Fiona shares, “he has taken to the para world really well, he has had to get use to having someone stood in the arena with him, But he is such a cool operator that I can even take him on a hack and he’s just like ‘yeah I’ve got you mom,’”

Looking forward to heading to Wellington International in October, “it will be the final one of the season” Fiona explains, “we have got team training in December, as a member of the world class program. The support from the BEF has been brilliant, I really feel like it has helped us step up a notch,” Fiona after also making her Prix St Georges debut this year, would like to step up to Intermediate I, “That is my aim alongside the paras.”

In second place were Katie Radzik and Showkia, with a score of 68.108% and in third was Sara Bates riding Socrates Hit, achieving a 67.162%. Sara also finished in fourth place with Solo Hit 2, very closely behind on 67.027%.

Equissage Pulse Para Gold Grade V Championship

Winner: Alice Begg and Gluckauf, 67.763%

Alice Begg and her own Gluckauf won the Equissage Pulse Para Gold Grade V Championship with a great score of 67.763%. Alice spoke to us about her favourite moments during her test, “it was probably my left walk pirouette, I’ve tried very hard to get that and we got an 8 for that movement, so I was very happy with that.”

Reflecting on the feeling over her test Alice describes the gelding as being, “slightly more lethargic than usual,” because of the weather keeping him up last night. “this made him a little bit harder to ride, but overall, there were no massive mistakes, so I was pretty happy with it.”

The 15-year-old “thrives off an atmosphere” Alice tells us, “I think the show atmosphere is what brought him through the test today. When he went in there and there was an atmosphere, he just showed off, he loves putting on a show for everyone.”

Describing the lovely Hannoverian’s personality, Alice spoke about how “He is so kind and everybody loves him. He is a bit like a dog on a lead, if he could get into your bed like a teddy bear he would!”

Liz Mcburney and her own KWPN Gelding Bangalore C finished in second place with a score of 62.631%.

HorseQuest Elementary Silver Championship

Winner: Amy Foulstone and HHS Sterling, 71.031%

Amy Foulstone was the winner of the HorseQuest Elementary Silver Championship on her lovely nine-year-old HHS Sterling (Heritage Fortunus x HHS Carlotta) with an amazing 71.031%. This was the combination’s first time at the championships. The pair are new to dressage competition - having come from a background of eventing they are now starting to try their hand at dressage.

 “Overall, I was really pleased with him and the test. He's not been in this sort of environment very much so to go in and keep it together in there and things, I was so pleased with him.” Says Amy going on to talk about a critical moment in her test: “After my trot work, I thought, ‘Oh I'm really pleased with that’. It was some of the nicest trot work we've had in a test but then I just thought, ‘Hold it all together for the canter work’! In that moment I knew I just had to keep helping him, keep him going along, and not let him down.

It is really rewarding to develop a partnership with a horse and progress with them - Amy has had HHS Sterling since he was just a three-year-old and describing just how special this moment was for them, she says, ‘It is really special when all our hard work pays off. We’re a real team partnership and I feel that we know each other inside out, which is so special and lovely. He's just such a nice person, and a nice horse to have around and to deal with, which makes it more enjoyable when you're here as well.”

Talking about their preparation leading up to the championships, Amy shares with us how critical her coaches were leading up to their test: “We’ve been training with Becky Moody on the flat and she helped me a little bit in the warmup as well. She's just unbelievable: a perfectionist about everything, which is great, but I had a lesson on Tuesday, where I didn't feel we did our best and she just said, I think you're trying a bit too hard. Just relax and, you know, let his neck out and don't hold on to him and things. So I really tried to put that into practice in the warmup today. We’ve also done some test riding with Andrea Smith, which again, she is brilliant. Those people were definitely key to our test and performance today. I think we're very much enjoying this dressage journey hopefully, we'll progress, keep going and see where it gets to, which is really exciting!

Second place in the HorseQuest Elementary Silver Championships went to Bethany Edginton and Nelson HD with 70.219%, while third place went to Anna Burns and San Isidro with 69.594%.

The Centre Line Preliminary Silver Championship

Winner: Lauren Burrows and High Hoes Esquisse, 77.414%

Hampshire based Lauren Burrows riding High Hoes Esquisse were crowned champions in The Centre Line Preliminary Silver Championship achieving a top score of 77.414%.  

“I was super pleased with her. I came out of the test, and I thought, regardless of the score or the result, I don't think she could have done any more. She really tried for me and to win is just amazing” Lauren reflected on her test today.

Lauren has owned High Hoes Esquisse since an unbacked three-year-old and has been working with Danny Morgan to back the mare and get her going.

As a first time National Champion, Lauren told us about her journey so far, “she only started competing at the beginning of the year and was actually quite tricky, it took a while for me to even get around the edge of an arena, so we’ve come a long way. The National title is completely unexpected, but it feels amazing!”

The duo won the Regionals at Parwood which Lauren described as “unexpected but felt amazing.

Lauren's goal for the future is to compete Grand Prix, “I think that’s what everyone dreams of but I really hope that she would be the horse that will take me, I think she will! I think she’s very talented.”

Lauren describes the mare at home as “a typical mare, she likes her space. She’s very sweet until she’s had enough. But she does really try, she’s definitely got her ways, and I know her well now so I know when to leave her alone!”

Second place went to Victoria Murray riding Linck GE and third place Imogen Swaan riding Vic S.

Stuebben Intermediate II Championship

Winner: Sadie Smith and Swanmore Dantina, 74.147%

Sadie Smith was the standout performer in the Stuebben Intermediate II Championship, achieving 74.147% with her own Swanmore Dantina in front of Jane Critchley (E), Mary-Ann Horn (H), Mary Robins (C), Jane Peberdy (M) and Leanne Wall (B).

Swanmore Dantina, known as ‘Dia’, is the apple of Sadie’s eye and continues to be the perfect dancing partner almost every time she’s in the arena. “She’s always great,” Sadie commented, “I very rarely have a show where she isn’t on form. She goes in with her ears pricked and always tries to do what I want. She was relaxed and yet I can still pick her up and do the harder things, I just love her to bits.”

“I think because I’ve had her since she was three I know that I can take risks and I pretty much know it’s going to come off, I just have a really good relationship with her.”

Speaking about how they have both found the step up to Inter II, the final stepping stone on the way to Grand Prix, she continued, “I was really pleased today because she’s only done three tests previous to this, at this level, today was definitely the most confident she has been in the piaffe and we’ve been really working on that. We’re both quite new and green to the level and today is was much more on the button, which was really cool.”

The Hampshire based rider and trainer has thrived since she made the brave step to go independent, and spoke about how she’s progressed at home with Dia on the way to this achievement: “I’m based on my own now and I don’t have the constant support of having a trainer there all the time so we’ve both had to just feel our way. We do go back to Carl’s for regular training there but I’ve just been taking my time to get her stronger so that we’re both confident to do it all.”

As only the second rider in the class to break the 70% barrier, Michael Eilberg and MSJ Dante VX looked a class combination for the future scoring 73.500% to place as close runners up. Whilst Alex Harrison and the pint-sized powerhouse Kickback (Galaxie x Florencio I) enjoyed third place with a score of 69.735%.

Fairfax Saddles Prix St Georges Gold Championship

Winner: Sarah Higgins and Geniaal, 73.000%

A class of 38 riders took to the LeMieux Arena in the Fairfax Saddles Prix St Georges Gold Championships, where Sarah Higgins took her first ever National title with Sarah Rao’s Geniaal.

Sarah and Geniaal topped the class with a score of 73.000%, just under 3% higher than their nearest competitor. Speaking of her first National Championship win, Sarah said “It feels pretty amazing, I was saying to my Mum and my trainers and friends, ‘is this ever going to happen!’ He’s such a generous horse and I’m so, so lucky to have managed to pick up the ride to ride him here.”

The 13-year-old bay gelding is owned and ridden by Sarah Rao, but the two riders work very closely together. Despite Geniaal not being a regular ride for Sarah (Higgins), she speaks of what an “amazing” and “generous” horse he is to allow her to “hop on and go so nicely”.

“I did have high expectations, I knew if we were on form we could have a real good shot at it, but at the same time I rode him yesterday for the first time in a month, I did one competition with him at Myerscough Premier League.”

On the relationship with Sarah Rao, Sarah said “I think you learn so much from watching, so as much as I’ve not done so many tests on him I’ve watched Sarah every day, I think that’s really helpful for me. My trainers are Richard Davison and Hannah Moody, who are here today helping me, and have helped both myself and Sarah on him as well so they know him inside out and back to front – the whole team together works really well.”

Despite her test taking place during the worst of the weather, Sarah and Geniaal didn’t let that phase them “When I was doing my extended walk I noticed hail stones in his plait! His extended walk and the piaffe into canter were a highlight – that would be his trickiest part of the test and unfortunately, today that was the moment that the rain and the hail really started coming down. I was really proud of how focused he was with me, and really pleased with that. He just felt lovely to ride, he always does, to be honest.”

On her experience of competing at the Nationals, Sarah, who is based just 20 minutes down the road from Somerford and spends a lot of time here, said “I love competing, I love coming here I think it’s a fantastic show and as much as it’s nice seeing everyone winning all the time, for me once in a while it’s really cool. The main arena feels really special riding into it, you wouldn’t really recognise it as the same place with the stands and everything. And for me having so many friends here it’s nice to have so many people.”

In second place was Nicola Buchanan and St Giles Flamboyant with 70.147%, followed by Becky Moody on her first appearance at the Nationals since returning from her bronze Olympic medal win in Paris, with Magic Dream on 70.029%.

View all of our winners' pictures here: