
Dressage TestPro App introduces HiScore

  • Written By: British Dressage
  • Published: Tue, 06 Jun 2023 12:05

Learning new and keeping track of previous dressage tests has just become even easier!  

The developers of British Dressage partners, Dressage TestPro, are delighted to announce a new addition to their test learning app, aimed at helping BD members analyse their scores and identify areas of improvement to inform their training. The new feature, called HiScore, allows you to keep track of all of your previous test results and keep a record of scores given for different movements, giving you a clear understanding of what areas of the test you are consistent in, what might need improving and which are you strongest paces. The app has an easy-to-use calculator that has all BD tests pre-loaded, and you can also keep track of essential information, such as venue, date and horse.

The collection of data on HiScore gives you as a rider an opportunity to reflect on specific areas of tests you have completed, in order to practice those movements at home or seek advice from your trainer. All of this is designed to help you progress further and go out with more confidence at the next competition. There are also tips on where extra marks can be gained and suggestions on where scores can be improved to increase the overall result, allowing you to expand your own dressage knowledge and improving all aspects of your dressage journey.

Tracy-Anne Ormrod, co-founder of Lion Dog Apps the developers of HiScore, said “This first release of HiScore is the start of a journey to give riders the tools to understand how to improve their scores. Together with their trainer, riders will be able to see where they could gain vital marks to improve scores and achieve their goals”. 

HiScore is just one element of the dressage test learning app, which is designed to give riders a stress free and easy way to learn their dressage tests before competing. The TestPro app actively helps you learn your test – whatever style suits you. You can listen, follow or draw your way around your chosen test to get to grips with your test route. The straight-forward, easy to use format caters for users of all ages and abilities. With access to all dressage tests at your fingertips, there is no need to be scrambling around looking for your test sheet again!  

Dressage TestPro is available to download on the App store and on Google Play, with different apps available to download, depending on which tests you require access to.  Join the 1,000s of riders using TestPro to learn dressage tests and receive 300 free credits when you start using the app. Follow Dressage TestPro on Instagram and Facebook to keep track of any new updates to the app and benefit from the top tips and dressage knowledge that they provide.