
Deadline extended: Director nomination

  • Written By: British Dressage
  • Published: Tue, 08 May 2018 18:27

As advertised on 6 March, the deadline for director nominations for the following positions closed on 1 May:

  • Para Director
  • Finance Director 
  • Judges Director
  • Business Development Director (formerly the Marketing Director)

Thank you to those who have put themselves forward, details will be published in due course.  As permitted under our Mems & Arts, we have decided to extend the deadline for nominations for the role of Business Development Director to 3pm on 21 June 2018.

This new role replaces the old Marketing Director role to reflect the diversity of British Dressage's activity and encompasses the areas of commercial, membership, marketing, communications and PR. So, if you have skills in these areas, the drive, time and passion to volunteer to help make our sport the best it can be and can fulfill our director competencies, please contact Angela Green for a nomination form.  She can also help with any questions you may have on the role or election process - 

Download the Role Description for more information about the position.