
Coronavirus protocols update

  • Written By: British Dressage
  • Published: Thu, 23 Jul 2020 23:00

British Dressage's toolkits for competitors, organisers and venues, judges and coaches have been updated to reflect the current government guidelines.

British Dressage (BD) members in England have been out competing since 1 July, as dressage shows have been able to get back underway safely under COVID-19 secure conditions. In Wales, the fixture calendar is taking shape for a return next week, while we continue to work closely with our equestrian colleagues in Scotland to get back to competitive action as soon as possible in August.

Following the recent announcements that indoor gyms, pools and leisure centres can reopen from Saturday 25 July 2020, as well as the mandatory requirement for face coverings in shops, take-away outlets and supermarkets from Friday 24 July 2020, our stakeholder toolkits have been updated to reflect the latest government advice. Please read through these carefully to ensure that all BD activity remains safe and in accordance with the regulations. In particular everyone is reminded to adhere to the social distancing and hygiene protocols at all times when participating in training or competitions.

In the toolkits you’ll find:

  • General Guidance
    including Standard Operating Procedure and BD infographic
  • Competitors Guidance
  • Organisers & Venues Guidance
    including risk assessment template, contact sheet template and A3 poster
  • Judges Guidance
    including risk assessment template and contact sheet template
  • Coaches Guidance
    including risk assessment, contact sheet template, safeguarding update and coaches’ infographic


As part of the support for businesses and self-employed people during coronavirus, venues running competitions on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 3 – 31 August may take advantage of the government’s ‘Eat Out to Help Out’ scheme.  In any participating establishment, customers get a 50% discount on food or non-alcoholic drinks.

From 24 July in England and Scotland, you must by law wear a face covering in all shops, take-away food outlets and supermarkets.  We recommend that members wear face coverings in indoor spaces, such as on-site cafeterias or shops, where close contact cannot be avoided and it is not possible to maintain safe social distancing.  Soft face coverings can be worn while riding, if this is your personal preference, but this is optional not mandatory.

In light of the ongoing restrictions in Scotland and Wales, which have prevented the resumption of competitions as planned this month, the BD Board agreed at their meeting on Monday that additional concessions should be provided for our members in the devolved nations to take this into account.  Further details will be confirmed with those members directly affected next week.

The current situation in each jurisdiction as follows:

  England Scotland Wales
How many can meet? Up to six people from different households, or no limit if from two households. Groups of up to four households at a time, to a maximum of 15 people, in an outdoor environment. Up to two households at a time, to a maximum of eight people, can meet in an indoor setting. A household can meet up to four other households daily.   Larger gatherings of up to 30 people are permitted outdoors, where activity is organised and supervised.
Up to two households of an unlimited number can meet indoors.
Travel distance Any Any* Any
Social distance requirements 2m – or 1m with mitigations in certain settings 2m 2m – or 1m with mitigations in certain settings
Riders Groups of six people from separate households can ride together, or five plus a coach. Four households can participate at a time, up to a maximum of 15 people outdoors, or eight people indoors. Riders can participate in gatherings up to 30 people, where activity is supervised, in an outdoor setting only.
Coaches Can teach groups of up to five people from separate households in a session, with no limit on the number of sessions per day. You may travel to clients, or they may come to you May instruct lessons for up to four households at a time, up to a maximum of 15 people.
Coaches can meet with a maximum of four households per day.
May instruct individuals or groups of up to 30 people, outdoors only.
There is no limit on the number of sessions per day. You may travel to clients, or they may come to you.
Venues Outdoor events organised by venues may have more than 30 attendees provided they have carried out a thorough risk assessment and taken all reasonable steps to mitigate the risk of viral transmission, in line with Covid-19 Secure guidance.** May open for training and exercise within the guidelines for the provision of a safe environment for staff and participants.
Lessons for up to four households at a time, up to a maximum of 15 people.
May open for organised training and competition activity for groups of up to 30 people at a time, in outdoor settings only.
Covered/indoor arenas permitted? Yes Yes No
Affiliated competition permitted? Yes No Yes – from 13 July onwards
Camps permitted? Yes Yes Yes – from 25 July onwards

* Except those living in the following postcodes: DG 1, 2, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 16 (Scottish control only).

** Outdoor events, that are organised by businesses, charitable organisations, and public bodies, may have more than 30 attendees provided (i) they have carried out a thorough risk assessment and (ii) taken all reasonable steps to mitigate the risk of viral transmission, taking into account that risk assessment, in line with Covid-19 Secure guidance. This includes ensuring that social distancing between different households or support bubbles is maintained at all times, and between staff and competitors. In particular, those operating venues or running events following COVID19 Secure guidelines should take additional steps to ensure the safety of the public and prevent large gatherings or mass events from taking place.

Members are reminded to read our guidance before returning to competition or training and that it is a condition of entry to abide by all protocols and procedures that have been put in place. In particular, adherence to social distancing, public health and hygiene measures is vital to ensure the safety of all participants. The continued co-operation of members is appreciated to enable BD competition and training activity to be run in a safe, regulated and controlled environment.