
Closer collaboration for BEF and its member bodies

  • Written By: British Equestrian Federation
  • Published: Thu, 27 Feb 2020 18:12

The British Equestrian Federation (BEF), British Dressage, British Eventing and British Showjumping are delighted to announce that they will form a joint working party to explore the potential for closer collaboration across equestrian sport.  This follows recent discussions between the BEF Interim Chair Malcolm Wharton and Interim Chief Executive Iain Graham and Boards of each of the Olympic Disciplines, where the concept was received positively.

The working party will review all aspects of the operation, including shared services, in order to identify efficiencies across the Federation and develop a joint approach to deliver the strategic objectives of each organisation.  Where potential opportunities can be identified, a range of practical solutions and initiatives will be put forward for further consideration.  It is envisaged that these outcomes will benefit not only those organisations involved, but enable all member bodies to support equestrian sport more effectively as a whole.

Malcolm Wharton said; “We have discussed the principle of working more closely together with the Boards of each sport and I am very encouraged by the initial response we have had. It is early days and undoubtedly it will take some time to develop and test ideas, however I am confident that we can find new ways of collaborating that will ultimately benefit all who enjoy equestrian sports.”