
British Equestrian welcomes applications for its Young Professionals Programme 2020–21

  • Written By: British Dressage
  • Published: Mon, 03 Aug 2020 11:33

British Equestrian is now accepting applications for the 2020–21 cohort of its Young Professionals Programme.

The Young Professionals Programme is built around a series of interactive workshops with specialist speakers, covering a broad range of topics essential to running a business. These include putting together contracts, understanding employment law, conflict management, insurance and finances, and building a personal brand.

The programme also provides the young professionals with support to create their career development plan, and insight into more effective communication, evaluating their personality type and how this can affect their approach and confidence in different situations.

With the equestrian industry facing an uncertain future as a result of COVID-19, the programme will modify the delivery model to support young people who may feel they are facing an uncertain future.

“I've really enjoyed being part of the programme,” comments Alexandra van Randwyck, part of the 2019/2020 cohort. “Although I don't have my own yard, I feel as though I'm now equipped with the skills to run one successfully in the future. The programme has been extremely supportive, identifying our needs and providing us with one-to-one training to shape our business plans to our individual goals.

“During this difficult time, the programme has supported us through webinars and access to online courses, allowing us to continue to learn and up-skill from a distance. In an industry where lots of people are self-employed, it's been a real comfort to have somewhere to go for advice and make you feel as though you aren't going through it alone.”

David Hamer, Head of Performance Pathways at British Equestrian, adds: “The Young Professionals Programme has developed a bespoke process of support and education that helps young people transitioning into the equestrian workforce to shape and formulate their business aspirations. We aim to equip them with the confidence and wide-ranging skillset they’ll need to thrive in our industry.”

The British Equestrian Young Professionals Programme is an established 12-month programme that has been running since 2017, funded by Sport England and delivered in collaboration with British Dressage, British Eventing and British Showjumping.

Further details of the application process and criteria can be found on the British Equestrian website:


If you have any questions about the programme or application process, please contact Georgie Wheeler – email / 0790 3090425.