
BEF update: use of indoor schools permitted from 4 July

  • Written By: British Equestrian
  • Published: Fri, 26 Jun 2020 18:51

British Equestrian has had confirmation this evening from the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) that equestrian indoor arenas will be permitted for use from 4 July in England.

Riding/driving in covered arenas from 29 June in Scotland was approved by sportscotland following work done in collaboration by horsescotland and BHS Scotland. The use of indoor facilities in Northern Ireland has been permitted since 23 June.

Indoor equestrian facilities in Wales remain closed at present but work will continue to lobby government and sport agencies for change.

British Equestrian Chief Executive Iain Graham commented; “This will be welcome news for many who have been patiently waiting for the government’s agreement. We have gone to great lengths to explain the nature of equestrian indoor schools and today we finally made the breakthrough. I’d like to thank the teams at DCMS and Sport England for working and reasoning with us on a daily basis. We’ll continue to press for change in Wales and are hopeful for a successful outcome here too.”