
BEF Equine Flu update Monday 18 Feb

  • Written By: British Dressage
  • Published: Mon, 18 Feb 2019 14:15

The British Equestrian Federation (BEF) notes that the Animal Health Trust (AHT) has reported more positive tests for equine flu over the weekend in Shropshire, Worcestershire, Norfolk and Buckinghamshire.

Sixteen horses returned positive tests at one premises in Worcestershire. The AHT reportsthat this is thought to be related to unvaccinated horses coming into contact with other horses at an event. The BEF continues to recommend strongly that unvaccinated horses do not mix with other horses. Our advice remains that owners MUST NOT take their horse to an event or competition if horses at their yard appear to be unwell.

The current outbreak has demonstrated the importance of vaccinations and the BEF continues to urge all owners to ensure that their vaccination records are up to date. If it has been longer than 6 months since the last vaccination, we strongly recommend discussing a booster with their veterinary surgeon.

The BEF has asked all competition and training event organisers to check the equine ID passports of all horses attending their event to make sure that they comply with vaccination rules. A number of affiliated venues have put extra precautionary measures in place regarding flu vaccinations. We would also remind participants that they should check venue requirements before setting out.

BD members are reminded to have their passports ready for checking at competitions as full or spot examinations may take place. Please make sure your vaccination record meets the requirements as laid out in rule 9 and as stated above, if you're horse has not had a vaccination within the last six months, we'd urge you to consider discussing a booster with your vet. Please remember that, under BD rules, there must be seven days between any injection and the horse competing.