
BD update: Positive changes for all on 17 May

  • Written By: British Dressage
  • Published: Fri, 14 May 2021 18:33

Confirmation has come from the respective governments in England, Scotland and Wales that COVID restrictions can continue to be relaxed from Monday 17 May, allowing for increased levels of sporting activity in all three nations.

A number of changes were announced on the use of indoor facilities, permitted numbers on site and spectator attendance, which will enable British Dressage to further open up the sport for the benefit of all stakeholders. Our toolkits have been updated to reflect the changes. 

Chief Executive Jason Brautigam commented; “Monday is another landmark day to getting our sport back on the road to recovery, as restrictions ease across the three home nations.  While we are not out of the woods yet, everything continues to progress in the right direction and these latest announcements will allow all facilities to fully re-open, within the permitted numbers, which has to be great news for our organisers, venues, competitors, coaches and officials.

“I’m delighted to say we’ve welcomed 1,200 members to British Dressage since we restarted at the end of March, with many new members as well as those re-joining us – and it looks like we’re on course for record starter numbers in April and May.  However, it is vitally important that all participants continue to follow the protocols to ensure our activity can continue safely.”


General points under stage three relaxations:

  • Groups of up to six people, or two households, will be permitted to meet indoors, while numbers allowed to gather outdoors will be increased to 30 people.
  • Overnight stays now permitted in private homes, hotels and bed and breakfast accommodation, within the number restrictions.
  • Organised adult sports can restart indoors.
  • Indoor hospitality can re-open, with pubs, bars, cafes and restaurants able to serve customers seated in groups of up to six people, or two households.
  • Spectators are allowed at general sporting events within the permitted social distancing and gathering limits, up to 50% capacity.
  • Travel abroad will be permitted under the traffic light system with green list countries not requiring quarantine on return.

How it affects members:

  • The number of supporters who can attend each show with a competitor will increase to six people in total, to include the rider, groom or trainer, as well as any friends or family.
  • For BD competitions, the use of warm up arenas (indoor and outdoor) will be based on one horse per 200sqm. This equates to six combinations in a 60 x 20m and up to 14 in a 70 x 40m.
  • Venue cafes, restaurants and hospitality areas can re-open for indoor table service, not just take-aways, in accordance with the rule of six and social distancing requirements.
  • If a venue wishes to offer spectator attendance at their show, this will have to be a ticketed event in order to manage numbers within the permitted capacity limits, as well as conduct additional risk assessments and implement additional COVID provisions.
  • Practice judging and sitting in will be permitted, subject to venue capacity and arrangements.
  • Riders may travel abroad to green list countries to participate in competitions and other activities, but are still subject to quarantine requirements for those classified as red or amber under the traffic light system.

Further guidance:

GOV.UK current guidance

GOV.UK Monday guidance

Sport England FAQs on 17 May guidance


On Monday, mainland Scotland will move to Level 2, some islands move to Level 1, although Moray and Glasgow will remain at Level 3.

General guidance under Level 2 restrictions:

  • Up to six people from three households can meet indoors, including private homes and overnight stays (under 12s are not included in numbers).
  • Up to eight people from eight households can meet outdoors (under 12s not included in numbers).
  • No social distancing required between families and friends in homes and private gardens.
  • Up to 100 spectators allowed to attend indoor events, 250 outdoors, or up to 500 people with seating, when run under Scottish Government event guidance and requirements.
  • Travel is allowed anywhere in Scotland in Levels 0, 1 or 2, but you must not enter a level 3 or 4 area unless for a permitted reason.
  • Travel abroad is permitted under the traffic light system, as in England, with green list countries not requiring quarantine on return.

How it affects members:

  • Equestrian activity is run under sportscotland ‘Return to Play’ guidance, which does not make provision for spectators under Level 2 restrictions.
  • In line with sportscotland guidance, these are the permitted numbers for each level:

 - Level 3 – bubbles of 30, with a maximum of 200 participants per day

- Level 2 – bubbles of up to 50, with a maximum of 500 participants per day

- Level 1 – bubbles of up to 100 with a maximum of 1000 participants per day.

  • Venues should calculate their numbers based on the Scottish Government guidance on the opening of sport and leisure facilities and conduct their own risk assessments.
  • In Level 2 areas, the number of supporters who can attend each show with a competitor will increase to six people in total, to include the rider, groom or trainer, as well as any friends or family. For Level 3 areas the ‘rider plus one’ rule will remain in place currently due to the restrictions on numbers.  Exemptions will continue to be granted for Para riders and parents / guardians attending for safeguarding purposes.
  • For BD competitions, the use of warm up arenas (indoor and outdoor) will continue to be based on one horse per 200sqm. This equates to six combinations in a 60 x 20m and up to 14 in a 70 x 40m.
  • Practice judging and sitting in will be permitted, subject to venue capacity and arrangements.
  • Riders may travel abroad to green list countries to participate in competitions and other activities, but are still subject to quarantine requirements for those classified as red or amber under the traffic light system.

Further guidance:

GOV.SCOT current advice

GOV.SCOT Level 2 guidance

sportscotland guidance

horsescotand guidance


Mark Drakeford confirmed today that all of Wales will move to Alert Level 2 from Monday 17 May, which brings a number of positive changes.

General guidance:

  • Gatherings are permitted indoors for groups of up to six people or two households in hospitality settings such as pubs, cafes and restaurants.
  • Any members of the group who do not live together or in permitted bubbles are required to maintain social distancing.  Children under 11 are not included in the numbers.
  • No meetings are allowed indoors in private homes, other than with those you live with or your extended household.
  • Organised group activities for adults are permitted for up to 50 people outdoors and up to 30 people indoors.
  • All holiday accommodation can open for overnight stays, including hotels and B&Bs.
  • Travel abroad is permitted under the traffic light system, as in England, with green list countries not requiring quarantine on return.  Those arriving back from green list countries will be required to book and pay for a PCR COVID test on their return and are encouraged to use lateral flow tests in the following weeks.

How it affects members:

  • Competitions can run with increased numbers, with up to 50 people permitted to participate in organised activity outdoors and up to 30 people indoors.
  • The ‘rider plus one’ rule will remain in place currently due to the restrictions on numbers and no spectators are currently permitted.  Exemptions will continue to be granted for Para riders and parents / guardians attending for safeguarding purposes.
  • For BD competitions, the use of warm up arenas (indoor and outdoor) will be based on one horse per 200sqm. This equates to six combinations in a 60 x 20m and up to 14 in a 70 x 40m.
  • Practice judging and sitting in is still not permitted due to capacity restrictions.
  • Riders may travel abroad to green list countries to participate in competitions and other activities, but are still subject to quarantine requirements for those classified as red or amber under the traffic light system.  A PCR COVID test must be booked and paid for on return.

Further guidance:

GOV.WALES current advice

GOV.WALES Alert level 2 guidance

Sport Wales guidance