
BD statement: weather conditions

  • Written By: British Dressage
  • Published: Wed, 28 Feb 2018 14:39

We are aware that members have expressed concerns about the BD events taking place over the next few days, given the latest adverse weather forecasts. We are monitoring the situation closely and in discussion with the relevant venues, including Summerhouse who are hosting the Regionals from Thursday 1 to Saturday 3 March.

The decision whether or not to abandon or postpone events ultimately sits with the organiser, but the venue must be deemed to be safe for members to compete as the welfare of our riders and horses remains paramount.

At the moment there is no snow at Summerhouse and conditions are fine to go ahead, although the venue is within the amber warning zone from the Met Office so this will remain under regular review. Members will need to make their own informed decisions as to whether or not it is safe to travel from their individual locations. We would strongly recommend that all competitors follow the advice provided by the Met Office.

A venue inspection will take place at Summerhouse at 4.00pm today and again at 6.00am tomorrow and members are advised to keep an eye on the venue’s social media and BD website home page.