
BD magazine - changes for 2020

  • Written By: British Dressage
  • Published: Fri, 24 Jan 2020 11:01

The first 2020 issue of the British Dressage members’ magazine is due to land any day now and there are some exciting changes inside.

We’ve revised the schedules section and introduced a new event news page for updates on schedules, new venues and sponsor news. The new venue listings and schedules are now more concise and designed to be used in conjunction with our online schedules portal, which is always the most up to date. The best news is the extra space now means we can add a few more articles on the things you love to read!

The venue listings now carry dates of shows included in the schedule with the addition of the range of classes running and venue address. Schedule information is the essentials you need to enter – classes, closing date, times date, qualification status, test, sections and entry fee. Remember, all the Freestyle classes are conveniently listed in blue for you to easily spot. The forthcoming events are unchanged as you fed back that this layout works well.

We have some great new series running this year – ‘Riding requisites’ is the new eight issue feature from Andrea Oakes which looks at things you can do outside the saddle to improve your performance in it while ‘Business advice’ will be a one pager each issue offering advice for those of you who run your own business - tax, legal, insurance, accountancy - all areas you may need help.

Also featuring this issue are:

- a round up of all the fun of Olympia
- full coverage of the 2019 BD National Convention with Harrison Clark Rickerbys
- all about gastric ulcers in the dressage horse
- a look a taking care of hooves in performance horses
- selecting your stallion and breeding technology
- our first part of coverage of the Nettex Associated Championships
- read all about Sara and Helen Gallop
- a great training piece courtesy of Shearwater Insurance with Becky Moody
- what it takes to represent your region on a team.

Jane Kidd returns with her latest training series in issue 2 which will help riders with interpreting judges comments - this is shaping up to be a really informative piece!

Finally, many of you spotted that we’ve changed our magazine wrapping and now use bioplastic which is an eco-friendly 100% compostable potato starch based wrap, all part of our commitment to help with sustainability.

We hope you enjoy it. If there's anything you'd like to see covered, please do email and let us know.