
BD launches new Youth Assessor Coach pathway

  • Written By: British Dressage
  • Published: Fri, 22 Mar 2019 15:24

British Dressage is proud to release a pioneering new pathway for BD Youth Assessors and Coaches and brand new training to accompany this. Providing targeted training for those wanting to be involved with the development of young riders, it primarily aids those wishing to meet the prerequisite requirements to become a combined BD Youth Assessor Coach (able to both coach and assess).

What are the benefits of Youth Assessor and Youth Coach training?
You’ll get further development of your coaching remit, it will widen your ability to work with a variety of riders and it will help you to develop your ability to adapt your coaching style as necessary. There are two streams:

Coaching Young People focuses on the specialist nature of working with young people and the different approaches that may be required to aid their progression and development. It covers areas such as; effectively communicating with young people, key stages of physical and cognitive development, assessing rider biomechanics and improving alignment, and delivering engaging sessions for young people.

Youth Rider Skills Test Assessor covers the BD Youth pathway, Youth Squads and Rider Skills Tests. In order to standardise the assessment of young riders, the training includes observation of recorded tests and the review of score sheets. This training also incorporates aspects of rider alignment and biomechanical analysis, as well as how to appropriately and effectively feed back to young riders.

Training days
The content for Coaching Young People is covered in one full day’s training, from 10am-4.30pm. Youth Rider Skills Test training will also be covered in one day, from 10am to 4pm. Training days are run in each region around the country, from the beginning of April onwards - to find out when the next courses are running and to register for a training event near you, click here.

Having completed the training, you’ll receive a certificate of attendance from BD. For those interested in becoming a certified BD Youth Assessor Coach, attendance at both Coach and Assessor training days will need to be evidenced, along with proof that you meet the prerequisites and hold current compliance documentation. 

Already a BD Youth Coach? 
You have until December 2020 to take the Coaching Young People training. To become a BD Youth Assessor Coach, you’ll need to take the Youth Rider Skills Test Assessor training.

Already a BD Youth Assessor? 
As part of this pathway, current BD Youth Assessors have the opportunity to become a BD Youth Assessor Coach, subject to holding the relevant coaching qualifications. You have until December 2020 to take the Youth Rider Skills Test Assessor training. To become a BD Youth Assessor Coach you’ll need to take the Coaching Young People training.