
BD Director Elections 2022: nominations process now complete

  • Written By: British Dressage
  • Published: Tue, 07 Jun 2022 15:08

The nominations process for this year’s Board Director elections is now complete and we can confirm the candidates being put forward for the positions of Chairman, International Director and Judges Director.

For the roles of International Director and Judges Director, the current post-holders were eligible to stand for a second term. Judy Harvey and Peter Storr were the only individuals to be nominated for these two technical director portfolios and will go forward to the membership vote unopposed.

Two candidates were proposed for the position of Chairman, with both nominations approved by the Nominations Committee and British Dressage Board. Claire Moir, currently serving on the Board as BD Youth Director, and former BD Training Director Jill Day, will both be eligible for election as Chair, with the appointment effective from the date of the next British Dressage Annual General Meeting in October.

The four candidates for the Board Director vacancies are confirmed as follows:

• Chair – Claire Moir (proposed by Carl Hester and seconded by Jennie Loriston-Clarke)
• Chair – Jill Day (proposed by David Hunt and seconded by Islay Auty)
• International Director – Judy Harvey (proposed by Stephen Clarke and seconded by Carl Hester)
• Judges Director – Peter Storr (proposed by Clive Halsall and seconded by Judy Harvey)

The applications from all four candidates were considered by the Nominations Committee, in accordance with Article 23.3, and were approved to proceed to election. Members can view statements from each of the candidates here on the BD website. Abridged versions will also be published in the next issue of the British Dressage magazine.

Members will be able to cast their votes by electronic ballot from Monday 4 July until the closing date of Friday 30 September. The election will be conducted independently by Mi-Voice and members will receive details via email in early July, when the poll opens, with a unique link to cast votes online. Postal ballot papers will also be available on request.