
BD Board Election 2024

  • Written By: British Dressage
  • Published: Fri, 05 Apr 2024 09:32

In line with the British Dressage Articles of Association, we can confirm that the BD Youth Director position is due for election this year.

BD Youth Director

This is a member elected position and the current interim post-holder is eligible to be nominated for election for an initial four-year term.

This notice is being posted as required under articles 18.8 and 18.9, to invite those wishing to stand for election to formally submit their nominations. Nomination forms are available on the British Dressage website, or on request from the BD office, and the closing date for all applications is midday on Friday 3 May 2024.

All applicants will then be reviewed by the Nominations Committee, in accordance with Article 23.3, with a shortlist invited to interview. The successful candidate(s) will then be put forward for election by members in the summer. An electronic ballot will be held over six weeks, from mid-July to early September 2024, with all BD members able to cast their votes online.

The result will be formally announced at the 2024 British Dressage Annual General Meeting (date and venue to be confirmed).  Please note that the membership vote is binding and not subject to formal ratification at the AGM.  However, the positions will continue to take effect from the date of the AGM.

All Applicants

All applicants for the three roles, will need to meet the specific knowledge, experience and competencies required for a Board Director, which are available on the BD website, together with the role descriptions for each position. 

Candidates will need to provide a full curriculum vitae, together with a supporting statement detailing how they meet the role requirements, as well as complete and submit the declaration of interests form, by midday on Friday 5 May 2023.

Details of the nominees, including any candidates nominated by the Board of British Dressage under Article 18.7.2, will appear in the BD magazine and on the BD website.

This is an ideal opportunity for members to get more involved in helping us shape and develop future strategy for the sport and organisation.  To request a nomination form, or for further information on any of these Board positions, please email: or call 02477 087805.
