
All competition and training facilities now able to re-open

  • Written By: British Dressage
  • Published: Fri, 04 Sep 2020 13:50

Indoor arenas permitted for use in Scotland from 31 August onwards.

After a long wait for members in Scotland there was finally some good news this week, with confirmation that indoor equestrian arenas can once again be used for competition purposes, in accordance with government restrictions.  Following the green light for indoor facilities in Wales on 10 August, this means that venues in all home nations can now re-open their doors for British Dressage competition and training activity.

Groups of up to 30 people are currently permitted at any one time in England, Scotland and Wales, subject to conducting the necessary risk assessments to ensure that measures are put in place to manage social distancing and hygiene effectively.  The BD COVID protocols and procedures for venue organisers and competitors in Scotland have been updated to reflect these latest changes.  Further useful information can also be found on the Horse Scotland and Sport Scotland websites.

Following the latest changes, the current situation for each of the home nations is as follows:

  England Scotland Wales
How many can meet? Up to six people from different households can meet.

Gatherings of up to 30 people are permitted at any one time for organised activity, subject to conducting risk assessments and implementing COVID secure protocols. 
Five households can meet outdoors, up to 15 people in total, but one household cannot meet more than four other households in a day (no limit for under 18s).

Three households can meet indoors, up to eight people in total, but social distancing must be maintained at all times. 
Larger gatherings of up to 30 people are permitted, where activity is organised and supervised.

Up to two households of an unlimited number of people can meet indoors.
Travel distance Any Any Any
Social distancing 2m or 1m plus mitigations 2m 2m or 1m with mitigations
Riders Groups of up to six people from separate households can ride together, or five plus a coach. Five households can ride together at a time in outdoor spaces, up to a maximum of 15 people.

Restrictions on the number of riders permitted indoors will depend on the arena size and ventilations.
Riders can participate in gatherings of up to 30 people, where activity is organised and supervised.
Coaches Can teach groups of up to five people from separate households in a session, with no limit on the number of sessions per day.

Organised training activity can include groups of up to 30 people, subject to conducting risk assessments. 
Organised group coaching can take place outdoors for a maximum of 30 people at any one time, with multiple sessions per day as long as the groups do not mix.

From 31 August indoor facilities can be used if COVID protocols and procedures are fully implemented.
May instruct individuals or groups of up to 30 people, with no limit on the number of sessions per day.
Venues Groups of up to 30 people are permitted at any one time, in both indoor and outdoor spaces.

Maximum occupancy of each indoor facility should be limited by providing a minimum of 100sqft per person.
Up to 30 people can take part in any one outdoor training or competition session in an organised setting.

Multiple sessions can take place at any one time throughout the day, as long as the groups do not mix.

From 31 August indoor facilities can be used if COVID protocols and procedures are fully implemented.
Organised training and competition activity is permitted for groups of up to 30 people at a time. 
Competitions Groups of up to 30 people are permitted at any one time. Groups of up to 30 people within a defined bubble can compete, with a requirement that multiple groups should not mix.  Groups of up to 30 people are permitted to at any one time.
Covered (indoor) arenas permitted
Affiliated competition

Members are reminded that it is a condition of entry to abide by all protocols and procedures put in place to ensure the safety of all participants.  The continued co-operation of members is vital to enable BD competition and training activity to be run in a safe, regulated and controlled environment.  Our Coronavirus Resumption Plan Summary has also been updated to reflect these latest changes, with all home nations now in the green recovery phase.