
A blockbuster Home International for Eastern riders

  • Written By: British Dressage
  • Published: Tue, 04 Sep 2018 09:20

The Eastern region is celebrating after taking the team title at the Senior Home International at Bishop Burton College in East Yorkshire (31 August – 2 September 2018). A total of 126 combinations and 31 teams contested this year’s episode of the annual flagship event for senior regional riders.

The winning quartet, dubbed Eastern Mamma Mia, claimed the spoils with a grand total mark of 414.62 after two days of competition, ahead of South West Wood Ducks (410.41) and Central Foggy (406.16). Eastern’s Sarah Carmichael, Kelly Greaves, Marg Phizacklea and team debutant Jane Littlejohn - pictured with Northern Chair Vikki Hayton and BD Training Director Paul Hayler - led from start to finish, bringing great pride to the region which has not had its hands on the silverware since taking victory in Scotland in 2013.

“Wow, what a great weekend!” enthused Eastern RDO Katharine Perry. “The Senior Home International has now been running for ten years, and I have been lucky enough to be involved with our teams, riders, trainers and support crew at each and every one. There are so many great memories and this weekend at Bishop Burton is right up there with them. It was very satisfying to bring the title home again.

“From start to finish, our 20 riders were fun, keen and happy. Everyone socialised together all weekend, with husbands, wives, children, dogs, parents and friends all mixing in. The riders had the support of their team mates, and a sea of sky blue [the region’s colour] was to be seen cheering on all tests. My fabulous rider rep Hayley [Liddiard] and top trainer Mark [Ruddock] walked hundreds of miles to ensure everyone was helped and supported, and that spirit is what I love most about the Eastern Region. Winning the team competition with four of our amazing riders really was the cherry on top of an already great cake!”

Sarah Carmichael who spearheaded the Eastern Mamma Mia team with her six-year-old mare Hoemathika M (Lord Leatherdale x Gribaldi), was delighted to also claim the individual Novice title which she sealed with score of 72.42% in Sunday’s Novice 38. The performance of the Bury St Edmunds rider and Hoemathika, who’s affectionately known as ‘Happy’, was duly awarded - both the British Dressage Supporters Club (BDSC) training bursary for the highest placed BDSC member, and a £75 Sheepgate Tack and Togs voucher for gaining the highest score of the weekend, went to the Suffolk 54-year-old.

The Individual Elementary title went to Danielle Rhodes and none other than Tiger Tim, the traditional gypsy cob stallion who found fame taking a Novice national title in 2013 under Alysia Matravers. Now 13 and partnered by Danielle, he continues to impress and made his Medium debut a winning one back in July.

Marg Phizacklea (58) and Good Guy, who were so instrumental in the winning team’s success, shone at their level – Medium – to claim the individual title. Marg, also from Bury St Edmunds and her seven-year-old Apache-sired gelding scored 69.0% and 68.64% in round one and two respectively to see off the rest of the field.

The Advanced Medium/Prix St Georges individual honours went West to Wales as Laura Fisher (27) from Colwyn Bay and Sam the Man Veldhoek, her 16-year-old Belgian gelding, scored plus-69% in both their Advanced Mediums.

Congratulations to all the riders who took part. British Dressage thanks the team at Bishop Burton and all involved for a hugely successful Senior Home International.

Team Results – top three
1st - Eastern Mamma Mia, 414.62
Sarah Carmichael with Hoemathika M
Kelly Greaves with Fentons Flint
Marg Phizacklea with Good Guy
Jane Littlejohn with Urban Knight

2nd - South West Wood Ducks, 410.41
Danielle Rhodes with Jannick
Helen James with Hillgrove Rockwell
Jessica Allies with Nabretto
Sophie Quarterman with Knightswood Diamond Geezer

3rd - Central Foggy, 406.16
Lisa Sterrow with Montrel Skyline
Casilda Courtier-Dutton with Flicker in Clover
Shirley Wright with Vanilla Courage
Madeleine Gardner with Whatapallaver

Individual Champions:
Novice - Sarah Carmichael with Hoemathika M (Eastern Mamma Mia)
Elementary - Danielle Rhodes with Tiger Tim (South West Wood Ducks)
Medium - Marg Phizacklea with Good Guy (Eastern Mamma Mia)
Advanced Medium/Prix St Georges - Laura Fisher riding Sam the Man Veldhoek (Wales Lush) – Adv Med