
2019 Trophies and awards

  • Written By: British Dressage
  • Published: Thu, 05 Dec 2019 14:30

As part of two inspirational days of training at the 2019 BD National Convention supported by Harrison Clark Rickerbys (23 – 24 November) a number of this year’s top performing riders and successful individuals in the sport were presented with trophies and awards to mark their achievements.

Annual trophies were presented as follows:

Worshipful Company of Saddlers – head collars
Kindly donated by the Worshipful Company of Saddlers, head collars were presented to the winners of the Summer Gold Para Championshiops at the LeMieux National Championships by Prime Warden James Welsh.
Awarded to: Grade I – Gabriella Blake, Grade II – Georgia Wilson, Grade III – Erin Orford, Grade IV - Laura Gulliver and Grade V – Charlotte Cundall.

Lucan Trophy
Kindly donated by Mrs Kathryn Heappey, the Lucan Trophy goes to the highest placed British Pony rider in the Individual test at the European Championships, this year in Strzegom, Poland.
Awarded to: Annabella Pidgley with Cognac IX with 71.43% in 14th place.

Maureen Newell Trophy
Presented in memory of Maureen Newall who was Chief Pony Selector from 1998 – 2003, this trophy is awarded to the pony and rider combination gaining the highest percentage in their first international trip abroad together in the Pony Team test.
Awarded to: Steffi Tomlinson who travelled to Sint-Truiden in Belgium with her pony Vivassa and posted two 66%+ scores.

BDSC Pony Trophy
Kindly donated by the BDSC Committee, this trophy is awarded to the Pony rider who, in the Selectors’ opinion, has produced the best performances at Premier League shows during 2017.
Awarded to: Annabella Pidgley with Cognac IX

Trendell Trophy
Kindly donated by long term supporter Mrs Christine Trendell, this trophy is awarded to the most successful Junior rider in the Team test at the Junior European Championships, this year held in Roosendaal, Holland.
Awarded to: Jessica McConkey with Lady Gaga

Medal of Honour
Awarded to: Dr Tamsyn Cowie. Former Sport Operations Director Tamsyn was presented to recognise her outstanding contribution to the sport after serving as a volunteer for over a decade on technical committees and the Board. Thank you Tamsyn for your unstinting support and remarkable dedication to the sport.

Tyrell Trophy
Kindly donated by Lady Caroline Tyrrell, the trophy goes to the highest placed British-bred mare competing at the National Championships in 2017.
Awarded to: Headmore Bella Ruby who was bred by and is owned by Sarah Oppenheimer. Our winner was partnered by daughter Alice Oppenheimer to win both the Equine Construction Advanced Medium Gold Championship. Bella is by the prolific sire Belissimo M and out of Headmore Stud’s founding mare, Elite Rubinsteena. Alice and Sarah are pictured above receiving their trophy from convention host, Daniel Bachmann Andersen.

Pablo Picasso Trophy
Kindly donated by Penny and Fiona Bigwood, the trophy was commissioned to commemorate Fiona’s Junior/Young Rider horse, Pablo Picasso who made five European Championship appearances. On their behalf, it’s awarded to the highest placed British Young Rider in the team test at the European Championships which were held this year in San Giovanni in Marignano Italy.
Awarded to: Rebecca Bell with Nibeley Union Hit.

Richmond Trophy
Kindly donated by the late Duke and dowager Duchess of Richmond, this trophy is awarded to the highest placed Junior / Young Rider in the Freestyle at the European Championships each year.
Awarded to: Junior rider Charlotte McDowall who was Alivia 15th in Italy with 70.425%.

Graduate Trophy
Kindly donated by Rita and Kate Butling, the Graduate Trophy is presented to the rider in their last year of U21s who, in the Selectors’ opinion, has made the most progress in 2017.
Awarded to: Jasmine Harding Heitzmann who’s had a great 2019 with her horse Deco including a win in the Young Rider Team test at Hickstead CDI in July.

President’s Commendation
Awarded to: Phyllis Beattie and Anne Ratcliffe.

Young Professionals Programme Trophy and bursary
The Young Professionals Programme is a cross discipline initiative to help young riders build a wide skill base to support their personal and career development. Riders from the dressage community who take part are invited to make a submission to win a bursary worth £3500 to help progress their plans. The 2018/2019 YPP trophy and bursary winner is Joseph Bright.

Special recognition in breeding
2019 has been an outstanding year for the small Gloucestershire based Hawtins Stud and they dominated the podiums of the Shearwater British Young Horse Championships at this year’s LeMieux National Championships. This phenomenal achievement was recognised and a memento was presented for each of these world class British-bred youngsters to Judith Davis of Hawtins Stud.