Exercise and warm up
Competition warm up and general exercise arenas will be available during the competition for you and your horse, please read the following information to familiarise yourself with the current guidelines.

Arena walk exercise
- All arena walk exercise times are subject to amendment and times will be posted outside the Show Secretary’s Office and in the Stable Manager’s Office.
Arena walks for the indoor arena are in timed slots for each class to minimise congestion. The arena exercise document will be published below once available. Riders with multiple horses should see the secretary to organise a different slot.
- Competitors may only participate in arena walk exercise on the day that the horse is competing. Only horses competing on Wednesday may use the Tuesday walk exercise times for arena familiarisation. All horses must have a mounted rider, no horses may be led, whether with or without a mounted rider. Any restrictions on Arena Walk Exercise will be published at the Secretary’s office.
- Any rider with two horses in one class should speak to the Show Secretary to arrange another slot
Warm up arenas
- Designated warm up arenas for each competition arena will be available for exercise from 14.30 - 19.00 on Tuesday 15 April, after which they are available from 6.45am each morning until 15 minutes after the completion of competition each day.
- On competition days, only competitors within approximately 50 minutes of competing will be allowed to use the relevant warm up arenas during competition hours.
General exercise arena
- A general exercise arena will be available for use by competitors. The number of competitors in the general exercise arena at any one time will be limited and competitors must book a 30 minute time slot in advance with the steward on duty at the general exercise arena. Multiple slots may be booked.
- On Tuesday 15 April the general exercise arena will be open from 14.30 - 19.00.
- From Wednesday 16 April - Saturday 20 April, the general exercise arena will be open from 08.00 - 19.00.
- On Sunday 20 April the general exercise arena will be open from 08.00 - 14.00.