At the Championships
You've made your entry, prepared and trained for your test, and the Championships are almost here, but what next? Below is everything you need to know about what to expect during the Championships, from stabling and facilities, to prizes and prize givings.
Arriving at the Championships
You won't require a competitor admission pass or a car pass to access the Championships - on arrival you will be directed to the relevant parking area by the Show Team. Horses may arrive on the show ground from 12.30 on Tuesday 15 April (please note that there is no access allowed earlier than this) and the show ground entrance will close at 23.00. Access to the show ground will be from 06.00 – 23.00 on show days. Outside these times the entrance will be opened for emergency access only.
Horses requiring stabling must arrive on the Show Ground before 6.30pm. Should any competitor be delayed, they must contact the Stable Manager on 07487 423564. The Stable Managers Office will open at 6.00 and close at 19.00 each day.
Vaccination check process
Upon arrival at the Championships you will be required to take the vaccination certificates for all the horses/ponies you have at the event, whether stabled or non-stabled, to the Stable Manager’s Office for verification before any horses/ponies are unloaded from the horsebox. All horses and ponies at the Show must have a current and valid record of vaccination against Equine Influenza that fully complies with British Dressage Rule 10.
Staying at the Championships
If you have your horse(s) stabled overnight you are allowed to stay in your horsebox, a caravan or a tent on site - a limited number of electrical hook ups are available and you can purchase these when you make your entry. Public toilets and showers will be available and open 24 hours a day for competitors.
You may have a generator in your horsebox as long as this is moderately sized and doesn't reach a noise or emission level that is excessive. All generators must be switched off between the hours of 23.00 - 08.00. Please note that if you have a generator you are responsible for ensuring that it complies with all health and safety regulations, you will be required to adhere to the re-fuelling procedure set out in the organiser's re-fuelling document and this is available from the Stable Manager's Office or in advance by request to the Organiser.
LPG bottle gas may also be used in conjunction with fitted living accommodation within horseboxes sited in the lorry park.
Addington Bistro will be open offering food and drinks from 16.00 - 21.00 on Tuesday 15 April, and from 07.00 on competition days.
Exercise and warm up
Arena walks, a general exercise arena and competition warm up arenas will all be available for competitors at the Championships. For more information on these, including the times they are available, please follow the below link:
All score sheets will be electronic and emailed to the person who made the entry for each horse and rider combination. You will be able to access the full results and scores on the day through the entries, times and results page of the BD website.
Prize givings and prize money
If you finish in the top three of a class then congratulations! You get to attend the mounted prize giving in the NAF Five Star Arena. Prize giving times can be found on the competition timetable (please note these are subject to amendment so please check timings on the day) - you will need to arrive at the NAF Five Star warm up arena at least 15 minutes before the scheduled time and make yourself know to the steward.
Please note that attendance at the prize giving is required and you must be mounted. Competitors may have a handler to lead the horse in the prize giving if required, but the handler must be suitably dressed.
Prize money will be paid to the rider by BACS transfer after the show via an online system. Riders must collect a prize money claim form in order to register their bank details for payment All prize money claims must be made by 5 May 2025. Any additional prizes awarded, and commemorative plaques must be collected from the Show Secretary prior to departure from the Show Ground. Additional prizes will not be forwarded after the Show.
Veterinary Surgeon
The services of a vet are only available “On Call”. Competitors are responsible for any costs incurred in making such call outs. If required, these can be contacted via the Stable Manager’s Office.
There is no Farrier on call. A list of local farriers is available at the Show Secretary’s Office. Competitors are responsible for any costs incurred direct with the farrier..
Live streaming
All competitions will be live streamed on H&C+ and we'll provide details of this nearer to the event.
The official event photographer will be on site to take photographs of competitors in all the competitions and at the presentations. There will be a photographic trade stand on the show ground for you to buy pictures, and you will also be able purchase pictures online.
Hoof Prints: Frances Gannon
Tel: 07909 683764 or 07966 170054