
TestPro provides an easy way to learn, with features such as drawing, listening and watching your tests.

TestPro was inspired by watching competitors “drawing” in the air as they run through the test. You’re not just learning the test, you’re visualising your ride, a key technique in sport psychology to maximise performance.

How TestPro can help

  • Focus on learning specific movements or groups
  • Run through the whole test
  • See the shape and symmetry of the test
  • Close your eyes and listen to the movements read aloud
  • Sit back and watch all or part of the test played in sequence
  • Challenge yourself to complete the test
  • Do a 10 second tap-through just before you enter the arena
  • Put on headphones and practise the test on foot
  • Lock your device and ride with TestPro speaking
  • Develop your strategy for maximising marks

Visualising your test

TestPro is totally interactive. Draw with your finger or tap on the screen, TestPro will guide you when you need it. You can stop and start, skip movements, go forward and backward through the test. Switch Play on and watch the test from any point.

Listening to your test

If you are training on your own, use the app with Speaking on. TestPro reads the current movement aloud as it’s drawn. If you use the Play and Speak functions at the same time TestPro plays the test, speaking each movement aloud as it draws it.

No internet, no problem! 

Competing or training TestPro is always with you, up to date and accurate. All the tests are built-in, there is no need for a Wi-Fi or phone signal once you’ve downloaded the app, and when the built in tests change updates are free.


Downloading the app

Join the 1000s of riders using TestProd to learn dressage tests, available for both Apple and Andriod devices. 



Top tips and advice 

Follow TestPro on social media for amazing insight and tips for learning your dressage tests, from how to use the app and mananage your subscription to tips on how to be productive in schooling sessions and advice on how to maxamise marks! 



Five top tips

Learning your tests so that you can recall it and compete effectively in the arena can seem a daunting tast. TestPro have provided a number of steps you can take to make this process much easier and also give you the confidence to be at your best!