From logging in to our member portal, to renewing your membership and competing - our Membership Experience Team have put together the most popular FAQs around membership.

Our Membership Experience Team are on hand if you have any further questions that aren't answered below. You can contact them by emailing or calling us on 0247 669 8830. Don't forget our new Membership Portal now allows you to manage your membership yourself online:
Joining, upgrading or renewing a membership
How do I become a member of British Dressage?
You can become a member online by signing up via our member portal. If you are looking to compete don't forget you will also need a horse registration at the same level as your membership - find out more by visiting our membership packages:
Can I join myself/horse over the phone?
Unfortunately not - with the declarations required from you in both paper and/or online formats, we can't take this over the phone. It's simple to do online or download a form. You can do renewals by phone.
How can I renew my membership/horse registration?
It's quick and easy to renew online via our membership portal by logging in to your profile, or call the membership department on 0247 669 8832/836 to renew over the phone.
I want to upgrade my membership, do I have to wait until it's due?
Not at all, you can upgrade your membership at any time.
How do I upgrade my membership?
You can do this at any time via our membership portal - log on, click on 'my membership' in the left hand menu and click on the blue 'upgrade membership' button or call the office on 0247 669 8832.
You don't have to wait until your renewal is due to upgrade your membership, you can do this at anytime either via our membership portal or by phoning the office. We will work out how much extra you owe us on a pro-rata basis.
Can I set up a Direct Debit?
As of October 2019, we'll no longer be accepting Direct Debit as a payment method as all membership will be on an auto renew monthly subscription basis.
When am I due for renewal?
For your renewal date you can either refer to your membership card, under the 'my profile' area of the membership portal or call the office. However, you will receive notification via email and text in the run up to your membership/horse registration due date.
I'm a lapsed member and want to renew, could I have the Trial membership?
Our Trial membership is only available for brand new members that have never been a paid member of BD before.
Cancelling your membership
I want to cancel or suspend my/my horse's registration - can I have a refund?
We can offer a partial refund or suspension on submission of medical/veterinary proof of illness/injury. Contact the Membership Experience Team on 02476 698832/836.
Your member details
Where can I find my membership number?
Refer to your membership card or visit the 'my profile' area of our membership portal.
What's my rider group?
To check your rider group, it's under the 'competition record' area of the membership portal.
How do I update my personal details on my membership?
You can update most of your personal details, such as address, email address and phone number on your profile on the membership portal.
How do I log on to the membership portal?
Visit the membership portal:
If it's your first time logging on, click the green button that says 'first time? Click here to set password'. You'll need your date of birth, membership number and postcode to start (see the below video for a guide of how to log on). All members must have a unique email address to gain access.
I've forgotten my membership portal password - what do I do?
Click the 'forgot password?' button on the sign in page to reset your password.
I have evented with BE, does this affect my eligibility?
Yes - if you have competed at BE Advanced (3* or 4*) in the current or preceding ten years, you'll be allocated 25 points from Prelim to Elementary and one point at Medium. If you've competed at BE Intermediate (2*) in the current or preceding ten years, you'll be allocated 25 points at Prelim and Novice and one point at Elementary. No points will be added for riders who've competed at BE Novice or below.
Is there a minimum and maximum age of rider and/or horse to compete?
Riders may be of any age to compete with British Dressage - we welcome all ages. It's the member's responsibility to ensure they are fit to compete.
Horses must be four years or older to compete with the following exceptions: for PSG and above classes the minimum age is seven and for Grand Prix, horses must be at least eight. The horse's age is taken from 01 January in the year of birth.
I'm not a BD member, what affiliated classes can I enter?
Class tickets enable those without a paid BD membership or horse registration to compete in an affiliated BD class. To compete on a class ticket, both the rider and horse must hold associate BD registration which is free of charge and be eligible for the class concerned. Each ticket enables them to enter one affiliated class. Holders of class tickets must also pay the entry fees and are subject to the rules contained in the BD Members Handbook. Class tickets may be used at any level (except music classes) provided the rider is eligible to compete in the class entered. Those riding on a class ticket are eligible to win prize money, rosettes and grading points but are not eligible to qualify for any championships or Area Festivals.
Class tickets may not be used to compete in music classes as BD membership is required for PPL licensing. You will need to pay the usual entry fee and abide by our rules.
I've been competing, why aren't my competition results online?
Results can take up to two weeks to be put on to the database. However, if it's been longer than two weeks, there can be many reasons for this, including a lapsed membership/registration or we haven't received your horse's passport - if this is not received, your registration is void. Contact the office via email or on 0247 669 8832/836 if you're unsure as to why you're experiencing this problem.
Member benefits
I haven't received my magazine, why is this?
Please check your membership card to ensure your membership is current and check your account details to make sure we have your correct address. If not or everything is correct and you're still unsure why you haven't received your magazine, please contact the office on 02476 698836/832.
Does my membership cover me for third party liability?
Full, Premier Club and Club members are covered (both horse and rider) for third party liability. Associates riding on class tickets are covered on show days at BD events only. Further details regarding this can be found in the BD Members Handbook, on this website or you can contact KBIS directly on 0345 230 2323.
What other membership benefits are there?
Becoming a member of British Dressage means you have access to a whole range of benefits, visit our membership benefits section to find our more: