Youth: Dakota Sladden

Dakota and Lucas have had a very busy year together and have big plans in the arena!


Dakota, who is 11 years old, alongside her pony Lucas have been together for three years, the Welsh Section B, 12.2hh is now 14 years-old and they competes at Novice level. 


Talking about their second year of competition, "This year we have done our first Area Festival, we went to Sheepgate Under 25 Champs, My Quest Nationals at Novice and recently was at the BD Associated Champs in the Native pony classes. We have also been to squadding events and South and East çamp. My competition highlight this year was my first area festival as I finished 5th and highest placed under 25!"


They have big plans before Dakota's legs get too long, "My future plans is to hopefully do a Medium with Lucas but would love to try a Pony FEI test with him."


They train with Hayley Liddiard, "She taught us at a BD Youth camp 2 years ago. I love training with Hayley as she makes my lessons fun but also takes the time to explain the mechanics of the movements with me."


Away from the arena they do lots of hacking, "Lucas can be quite strong and stubborn, he likes to be asked for things correctly so I have to be very careful where I put my legs otherwise we can engage turbo power accidentally but I have learnt so much on him already."


They are getting ready for next year and hope to do Youth Inter Regionals as Dakota starts a new squad level and would like to qualify for elementary Area Festivals.


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