South & West Region Updates
Here you can find out all of the latest news and updates from the South & West region.
In addition to checking in on this page, you can follow our regional activities on Facebook and Instagram (search and follow British Dressage South & West Region, plus British Dressage South & West region – (County) clinics and training), periodic newsletters emailed to all members, typically 4-6 per annum, and WhatsApp Groups for Youth, Senior, Coaches and Judges providing information and links direct to your phone – Please contact Mandy Rodgers to be added to the WhatsApp group relevant to you.
Over the coming months we are able to offer a variety of opportunities:
- 26 March Freestyle to Music online judge training with Richard Baldwin and Sara-Jane Lanning - of interest to riders and coaches as well as judges
- 30 March Judge and Coach Module 4 live training day at Stretcholt EC, Somerset - book here
- 29 April How to steal extra marks from your judges live demo evening suitable for riders, coaches and judges, Leyland Court
- 3-5 May Inter County Championships. Qualifying events throughout the region prior to close of qualifying period on March 23
- 12 May James Stanbury - Performance Nutritionist online talk explaining behavioural changes with rider nutrition - book here
Bookings now open for camps
Duchy College 30 May to 1 June
Wellington Riding Camp 30 & 31 August 2025
Win a 3 night Padstow stay
Hoscars Fancy Dress Ball
Congratulations to our S&W members who were presented with our 2024 awards at our Hoscars Fancy Dress Ball on Saturday 1 March 2025.
Awards Presentations
- Judge of the Year – Sarah Leitch
- Coach of the Year Senior – Hayley Watson-Greaves
- Coach of the Year Para – Rob Waine
- Coach of the Year Youth – Lindsey Dawes
- Penny Pollard Award – Nicky Du-Plessis
- Youth Contribution – Daisy Bellamy
- Youth Rider U14 Achievement – Daisy Bellamy
- Para Contribution – Mari Durward Akhurst
- Senior Contribution – Chantelle Oliver-Symonds
- FEI Achievement – Katie Palmer
- Moir Cup (Youth Rider IR) – Megan Tucker
- Senior Rider HN – Jane Littlejohn
- Member’s Choice Award – Verity Perry
- Para Rider HN – Alisha Robbins
- Steward of the Year – Nick Rodgers & Pauline Malins
- My Quest Rider - Sarah Chandler
- Team Quest Team – New Forest Dancing Queens
- Volunteer of the Year Awards
Amy Blount
Sara Jane Lanning
Charlotte Dicker
Melissa Smith
Carly Toogood
Sharon Stuart
There are regular ICC Qualifiers in every county please visit horsemonkey for details.
From 1 January we will open Youth Squad Assessment Days for 2025, see Horsemonkey for details.
Senior and Para Ambassador for Hampshire
We are delighted that Amy will be joining Felicity as our Senior and Para Ambassador for Hampshire, please keep an eye out for the exciting things we are planning for you.
To join the Hampshire Whatsapp Group please email your phone number to Amanda Rodgers.
Seasonality of Body Changes and Importance of Saddle Fit
It is widely accepted that in wild horse populations there are seasonal fluctuations in body weight, predominantly due to the availability of food. There is generally more food available from spring through to autumn than there is over winter, resulting in weight gain and fat store development, which is then utilised over the winter months as a source of energy.