North and East Regional Teams

Want to compete as part of Team North & East? Our Regional Teams give you the chance to represent the North & East region in a variety of competitions.

Whether you're a senior rider, youth rider, or para rider - there's lots of opportunities to compete for your region and fly your region colours! Each category has its own selection criteria and competitions that you can apply to be a part of:


Your regional representatives

If you want to find out more about competing for your region, your regional representatives are on hand to answer any questions you may have:

  • Senior representatives: Alison Timmins, Jessy Grove & Rachel Longworth
  • Youth representatives: Jess Griffiths & Charlotte Clark
  • Para representative: Vicky Earnshaw 


Teams and competitions

Want to compete as a team? Our regional teams give you the chance to represent your region in a variety of competitions. Being in a team is a huge honour for anyone and there are opportunities in the regions to do just that! And…it’s an achievable goal for many riders, with competitions for senior, youth and para riders at regional or national levels. 



How to apply

Once you have read the selection policy and all of the requirements, approximately 6 weeks before the competition you will be able to apply to be a part of the regional teams through the Horse Monkey booking system: