Senior selection information
If you're a current or aspiring Senior international athlete, take a look at the documents below to get to grips with the current requirements, selection policies and further information.
Starting out
When starting out on the international competition scene, it's a good idea to begin either on home turf or at a foreign competition just across the channel in northern France, Belgium or Holland, as many of these organisers welcome riders in Small Tour competitions.
If you’re interested in competing in any international competitions, please take a look at the information documents below or contact Senior International Officer Lianne Martin who will be happy to help you.
Register of interest
Please see below the full selection policies for competing on Senior Teams, details on eligibility and the selection process.
If you wish to make yourself available to compete for Great Britain at the 2025 World Breeding Championships, you can register your intent by completing the form below by 5 May 2025.
CDI Amateurs
There are many competitions held in Europe for amateur competitors, if you would like to find out what's involved please contact Lianne.
FEI Riders licenses, FEI Horse passports & WADA
All international dressage competitions are run under FEI rules. All riders and horses competing at an international show need to be registered with the FEI, which costs £30 per horse/£30 athlete annually. Please remember it is your responsibility to ensure you and your horses are currently registered with the FEI. FEI registration is available on Horse Monkey, please contact Lianne for the links.
If your horse is competing in a CDI, you are required to have an FEI recognition card (FEI passport). If your horse has a national passport, we will give it an FEI cover. FEI recognition is valid for four years. Please let the office know at least two months before you are due to go abroad to allow enough time for the paperwork to be processed, the link to apply on Horse Monkey is available from Lianne.
Please be aware that those with FEI riders licences will need to have therapeutic use exemption forms and / or declaration of use forms before they compete whilst taking a prohibited substance. In order for riders to check the status of a substance, the Global Drug Reference Online website should be referred to. We advise athletes to print a record of their searches. In addition, WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency) has published its list of prohibited substances.
Riders living abroad
If you are a British rider living abroad and wish to compete in national competitions in your country of residence, you need to apply for permission from Lianne Martin and be a current Full competing member. You will need to apply in writing and you will receive a signed and stamped paper, which you must take with you to shows. There is no charge for this.
If you are living abroad, would like to compete in international competitions please see the current CDI selection policy. Please bear in mind you always need permission from your National Federation in order to compete abroad even if you have a private invitation from a show organiser or are competing nationally.
Travelling horses within the EU
Here's the latest guidance for moving equines between Great Britain and the EU
Changes to imports of horses to the UK
Defra has issued some updates recently (November 2023) of changes around the import notification (IMP) to a new Common Health Entry Document (CHED) to help with the movement of live animals from EU/EFTA countries into GB. Check out the British Equestrian website for further details.