Freestyle to music

Does my horse have to be registered to compete in music classes?
To compete in a music class, your horse will need to be registered as a Club horse. If you qualify for any Championship, you'll need to upgrade your horse to be full registered in order to compete at the Championship.
I'm a Full member, what do I need to start competing in music classes?
To play copied music in public, you must have a music licence. You can find out more about creating music, your floor plan and obtaining a music license by clicking here.
Where can I find the forms for getting a music license?
You can find everything you need by visiting our Dressage to Music page.
Do I have to let you know if I change my music?
Yes - every time you change your music, you should complete a new music license record form and we will re-issue new stickers for your CD.
Can my friend use my music?
The music must be licensed to the member competing with it - the music can be reused but whoever uses the music must be a member, submitting their own license and music license record form for their own use. To view and download the forms, click here.