Going Green - Did you know?
As a National Governing Body for the sport of dressage in the UK, we aim to lead by example, by taking a critical look at how we operate and also share case studies, top tips and practical examples of how you can also get involved in helping to minimise our impact on the environment. This page will include updates on our sustainability progress and an insight into what’s been going on behind the scenes as we make changes to ensure a greener future for BD.

Renewable energy
There have been many changes made at BDHQ to make sure that we are reducing our emissions and resource use. BDHQ is powered by renewable engery, and from 1 July 2024 we moved to a new green tariff.
Efficient recycling
We have installed new office bins so that staff can recycle more efficiently, seperating paper, cardboard, waste and plastic.
Green team
We have formed a Green Team to support the British Dressage vision to create a biodiverse future. The Green Team support that vision by encouraging best practice, setting goals and reporting progress.

On Event
As part of our green mission, we’ve made a really exciting change to our rosettes in order to save material and create less waste. Tails have been reduced from 450mm to 350mm, sashes have also been shortened by 4mm. Every little helps!
LeMieux National Championships
We’re taking a big step forward at the National Championships in September and leading by example. Where possible battery powered generators will be used. All waste on site will be sorted and recycled and our officials will be provided with reusable, branded water-bottles.
If you are attending the LeMieux National Championships please come and join us on the BD tradestand, where we will have a dedicated area to help share knowledge on how you can get involved at home and on your yard. All competitors will be receiving a green gift, with a commemorative seed packet.
Our sponsors
Red Gorilla
Last year our Combined Training sponsors, Red Gorilla launched Gorilla Plas products. Made exclusively in the UK for Red Gorilla®, Gorilla Plas® is a revolutionary new product range, made from 100% recycled plastics.
Gorilla Plas® is lightweight, weather resistant and extremely tough. In addition to this Gorilla Plas® is also 100% impermeable, making it easy to clean and eliminating the absorption of medications and supplements that can lead to cross-contamination of feeds.
National Championships and Quest title sponsor LeMieux are taking steps to help the environment. From creating their popular Earth Collection, in which 100% of the saddle pad outer fabric is made from recycled plastic bottles and the lining is composed of sustainably sourced bamboo. Further to this they are also delivering your equestrian products in eco-friendly packaging.
BD Podcast
Listen to our mini series exploring sustainability and British Dressage. Hear from Ruth Dancer, Director of equestrian sustainability experts White Griffin, as she talks us through what sustainability is and what the impacts are on equestrian sport.

Help us go green
Are you working towards being greener on your yard or at home, we would love to hear how you have made a change to help the environment, big or small!
Visit our information hub
We aim to support everyone in gaining a good understanding of the inter-relationship between equestrianism and the environment. Our information hub will be updated regularly with new resources and information that will help you reduce your carbon footprint and positively impact the environment at home or on your yard.