BD Youth
Have questions about how the younger generation can get involved in dressage - our Youth Development Officer has put together the most popular FAQs around BD Youth.

What is BD Youth?
BD Youth is the dedicated programme for dressage riders and supporters aged six - 25 years old. It encompasses training, activities, teams (regional, national & international) and lots of fun things with dressage at heart. If you're in the right age group, when you join BD you're automatically part of BD Youth, no need to specially join. If you're not a BD member, you can try some BD Youth training to have a taster via your Region.
What age do I have to be?
BD Youth is for riders and supporters aged six to 25.
Do I need to join BD Youth to compete?
BD Youth is an integral part of British Dressage so if you're in the age group - you're in! Any member who competes in affiliated competitions with a registered horse or pony is eligible to do BD Youth with no extra cost – this includes BD Youth Regional and National/Squad Training.
Unregistered riders who take part in BD Youth Regional Training only can do one or two sessions (as tasters) without joining but are then encouraged to join British Dressage as a Club member. This is a great way to get started - plus you can do our fabulous Quest competitions with sections for riders under 21.
What BD Youth memberships are there?
If you don't currently compete with British Dressage (so aren't a member), you can try some BD Youth training in your region without being a member. It's a great way to see what your area has to offer.
If you're interested in doing Quest and/or training regularly, Club is the membership for you. For just £35 per year you can compete in all Team and My Quest competitions, ride in BD Prelim Bronze test, ride in Combined Training, dance in music classes and take part in unlimited training.
I want to get involved in BD Youth - how do I start?
Contact the Development Officer or BD Youth Regional Representative for your region to let them know all about you. This will then give you access to BD Youth regional training, the chance to be selected for a BD Youth Regional Squad and take part in any camps etc. that the region runs.
I want to be on a BD Youth team - how do I do it?
You can try for selection to teams on a national (regional) or international basis. There are teams in your region for the BD Youth Home International and the BD Youth Inter-Regional.
Internationally, we have teams for Ponies (12 - 16), Children on Horses (12 - 14), Juniors (14 - 18) and Young Riders (16 - 21) which travel to international CDIs as a selection opportunity for the European Championships at each level. Find out more or watch the video below with youth selector Nikki Herbert: