
British Dressage is responsible for regulating the sport of dressage in the UK.

Our aim is to promote high ethical standards that are applicable to all members under rules and regulations which strive to be fair, transparent and efficient under the direction of the BD Board.

British Dressage is headed by a ten-strong Board of Directors under the leadership of Chairman, Jill Day. Each Director is a volunteer and has a portfolio which they're responsible for with the support of a technical committee. The Board determines our strategy, and then works with technical & regional committees and the Senior Management team and staff at HQ to deliver our mission. 

BD Board

Chairman Jill Day Elected October 2022
Deputy Chair & Finance Director Caroline Godfrey Reappointed October 2023
Sport Operations Director  Derek Pullem Elected October 2023
Judges Director Peter Storr Elected September 2018
Para Director
Lead Director for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
Tracy Ormrod Elected October 2021
International Director
Lead Director(s) for Equine Welfare
Judy Harvey Elected September 2018
Business Development Director
Lead Director for Sustainability
Suzanne Homewood Reappointed October 2023
Training Director
Lead Director(s) for Equine Welfare
Harry Payne Elected October 2021
BD Youth Director Hannah Moody Appointed Director October 2024
HR / Legal Director
Lead Director for Safeguarding
Richard Lane Appointed January 2023


Director terms of office

A rotation system with a maximum term of service was also introduced in 1998. Each term is four years and directors have to retire at the end of the second term, allowing them to serve a maximum of eight years. However, as all the board members started at the same time, this has been staggered, so that there is continuity and we don’t end up with the whole board made up of new directors.

Any BD member can stand for election. The directors are always on the lookout for potential future directors. An advert will appear in British Dressage magazine early in the year of a vacancy falling, giving details of the position becoming vacant, asking for nominations and someone to second it. Applications are then subject to a Nominations Committee and, if approved, are then put forward for ratification at the AGM if the nominee is unchallenged. If there is more than one candidate, an election will be held in the form of a postal/electronic vote.

Technical committees

Each director is served by a committee of volunteers who are selected for their expertise within a particular field to support the relevant area of BD. 


President and Vice-President

The president and honorary vice-presidents are not board members. The president is elected by the directors to hold office for three years and is only eligible for re-election for one further period of two years. The board can choose to have up to eight vice-presidents.

David Hunt is the president and Stephen Clarke is vice-president.

Regional Committees

With six regions making up British Dressage, they have a team of volunteers who help run regional competitions and activities alongside the Development Officer. Visit the Regional Pages to find out more.

BD HQ staff

Around 30 full and part-time staff work at our headquarters in Meriden with a team of seven out in the regions. To find out more about them, their roles and how to contact them, visit Meet Our Team.